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The Heldenplatz is a unique building in Napoleon: Total War. It is available only to Austria in its capital region.


This magnificent square greatly adds to national prestige.

Pride in one's nation is a powerful thing, and what better way to instill national pride than to build a structure that celebrates the great achievements of the country? Be it past victories, advances in education and technology, or a collection of treasures, such structures provide a stage to display achievements to the world. National standing compared to other nations is vastly important in matters of diplomacy so a public demonstration of national power will improve prestige.

The Heldenplatz, or Heroes Square, in Vienna faces the famous Hofburg Imperial Palace, the seat of the Hapsburg dynasty who ruled Austria. The palace itself was originally a fortified castle and the Heldenplatz was added to the front of this ancient structure during the reign of Emperor Francis Joseph. It was intended to be the centre piece of the new Kaiserforum, a complex that was never completed. 

General Information[]

As with all other unique buildings in Napoleon: Total War, the Heldenplatz's costs cannot be reduced through the construction of logging camps or their upgrades.

The global +3% bonus to tax rate the Heldenplatz generates can be substantial in the later game, where Austria may make tens of thousands of gold per turn in tax income. The building pays for itself after Austria earns 500,000 gold from taxes upon its completion. However, the increased taxation comes with a downside: region wealth growth per turn is decreased slightly due to penalties from increased taxation. This means that, while the Heldenplatz gives a boost to income in the short term, it hurts long term wealth growth. Given these drawbacks it may be better to build the Heldenplatz later in the game, when town wealth has been built up. The Heldenplatz does not impact income generated from trade or from protectorates

Napoleon: Total War Buildings
Region Capital Buildings Administrative buildings: Tax OfficeMagistrateCourt of JusticeCourt of AppealsSupreme Court Cultural buildings: TheatreOpera HouseGrand Opera HouseGreat Museum Military buildings: CantonmentBarracksDrill SchoolMilitary AcademyStaff College Ordnance buildings: Cannon FoundryOrdnance FactoryGreat ArsenalOrdnance BoardEngineer School • Roads: Basic RoadsCobbled RoadsMetalled Roads Fortifications: Small Star FortLarge Star Fort
Town Buildings Commercial buildings: MarketMerchant HouseBanking House Gunsmiths: GunsmithMusket ManufactorySmall Arms Factory Supply buildings: Supply PostSupply WarehouseSupply Depot Factories: ManufactoryFactorySteam-Powered Factory Entertainment buildings: Member's ClubSecret SocietyMasonic Lodge Universities: CollegeClassical UniversityModern University
Resource Buildings Farms: FarmsClearancesGreat Estates Stables: StablesStud FarmEquestrian Estate • Logging Camps: Logging CampLumber MillSteam-Powered Sawmill Mines: Gold MineSteam-Pumped Gold MineIndustrial Gold MineIron MineSteam-Pumped Iron MineIndustrial Iron Mining Complex Vineyards: VineyardsWineriesWine Estates
Ports Trading ports: Trading PortCommercial PortTrading Company Military ports: DockyardDrydockSteam Drydock Supply ports: Supply PortMilitary Supply PortMilitary Port Complex
Unique Buildings Arc de TriompheHeldenplatzHumboldt UniversitätKremlin ArmoryMinin MonumentMusée NapoléonNational GalleryNelson's ColumnSiegessäuleWiener Theater