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Herculiani Seniores are a type of melee infantry in Total War: Attila.


"These men defend Augustus with the strength of the legendary demigod."

Everything in the Roman Empire was structured, often to extremes. Even the highest echelons of the military had internal hierarchy. The defence of the Emperor, for instance, was broken into tiers, with the Jovian and Herculian units established as the most senior of the Imperial Palatine guards. The 'Herculiani' were named after the Roman divine hero Hercules, known for his strength and epic adventures. The Herculiani and Joviani were potentially raised from the sister Legions Legio V Iovia and Legio VI Herculia, stationed in the province of Pannonia Secunda. These two Legions, like their Herculiani successors, were charged with defending the Emperor's personal residence.

Strength and Weaknesses[]

  • Excellent Armour
  • Has Missile Weapon
  • Good Missile Block Chance

Base Stats[]

Herculiani Seniores
Number of Men: 160
Morale: 54
Bonus HP: 45
Melee Attack: 35
Melee Defense: 40
Charge Bonus: 20
Reload: 35
Ammunition: 2
Very Heavy Infantry
Hit Points: 105
Mass: 175
Walk Speed: 12
Run Speed: 31
Charge Speed: 35
Charge Distance: 35

Weapons and Gear[]

Heavy Spatha
Melee Weapon
Damage: 36
Armour Penetration Damage: 14
Bonus vs Infantry: 0
Bonus vs Cavalry: 0
Bonus vs Elephants: 0
Building damage: 0.066
Precursor Plumbata
Missile Weapon
Damage: 50
Armour Penetration Damage: 30
Base Reload Time: 15
Range: 80
Bonus vs Infantry: 0
Bonus vs Cavalry: 0
Bonus vs Elephants: 0
Special Effects:
Large Oval Shield
Melee Defence: 7
Armour: 35
Missile Block Chance: 50
Scale Armour
Armour: 27


Ability Attila Stationary Testudo Stationary Testudo
Target: Self Initial Recharge: 0
Active Time: N/A Recharge Time: N/A
The troops of this unit raise their shields above their heads in a static defensive formation.
Assemble (7s)
Shields Ready:
+15 Attack Against Cavalry
+15 Attack Against Elephants
+50 Missile Block Chance
+400% Entity Mass
Ability Attila Steady Steady
Target: Self Initial Recharge: 0
Active Time: 30 Recharge Time: 210
Improves the unit's ability to defend at the cost of their mobility.
Steady (30s):
+10 Missile Block Chance
+3 Morale
+15 Shield Defence
-25% Speed


Ability Attila Disciplined Disciplined
This unit does not suffer a morale penalty when the general dies. It can also rally after routing more often.
Ability Attila Encourage Encourage
This unit provides a morale bonus to nearby allies.
Ability Attila Hide (forest) Hide (forest)
This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get too close.
Total War: Attila Roman Units
Melee Infantry Armigeri DefensoresCohorsEastern Armoured LegioElite PalatinaExploratoresHerculiani SenioresHetaireia GuardsLegioLegio ComitatensesNumeroiPalatinaPalatina GuardsPraeventoresProtectores Domestici
Spear Infantry Comitatensis SpearsCornuti SenioresEastern Auxilia PalatinaFoederati SpearsLanciarii SenioresLimitanei BorderguardsWestern Auxilia Palatina
Pike Infantry Menaulatoi
Missile Infantry Armoured SagittariiBallistariiElite BallistariiExculcatoresFunditoresLevis ArmaturaeMatiariiNoble Foederati JavelinmenRavenna Elite BallistariiSagittarii
Melee Cavalry ComesEquites DalmataeEquites PromotiExcubitores Cavalry GuardMagister MilitumScholae PalatinaeScout EquitesTagmata Cavalry
Shock Cavaly CatafractariiClibanariiContariiScholae Gentiles
Missile Cavalry Equites SagittariiImperial Dromedarii
Siege Artillery OnagerBastion OnagerLarge Onager
Field Artillery Cheiroballistra