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Hungarian Fusiliers NTW Icon

Hungarian Fusiliers are a type of line infantry in Napoleon: Total War.


These musket-armed troops use volleys to break an enemy line, and rely on their discipline to survive any return fire.

German Fusiliers are line infantry who take their title from the fusils, light flintlock muskets, that they carry. Forming the line of battle, they must be able to calmly take aim at their targets as shells explode around them, skirmisher’s shots smack home, and enemy cavalry bear down upon them. Fusiliers are effective against cavalry when in square, and excel in close combat, but care needs to be taken against skirmishers at extreme range.

Historically, the Austrian army’s infantry was divided into German and Hungarian regiments. The Hungarians were renowned for their ferocity, and the Germans for rigid discipline. This was particularly true of the fusiliers who fought in the rigid formations that made up the bulk of the army. During the Napoleonic Wars, units such as skirmishers, grenadiers and artillery took on more of the fighting as tactics evolved, but the line regiments remained almost unchanged as organisations. Their company and battalion structure still forms the basis of modern armies.

General Information[]

Available to Austria and only in the region of Hungary, Hungarian Fusiliers are line infantry that possess superior melee stats compared to the standard Austrian line infantry German Fusiliers. They are the best line infantry available to Austria in the early game, and their generous cap of 10 regiments mean that they can have a significant presence throughout the campaign. Unfortunately for Austria, Hungarian Fusiliers are only about average when compared to line infantry of other factions in terms of shooting capabilities.

Hungarian Grenadiers are best used in hilly or wooded terrain, where musket fire is less reliable. They can beat any standard line infantry in melee combat, even Russian musketeers if the latter doesn't get a good charge off. However, thanks to their higher cost but identical reloading and accuracy statistics to German Fusiliers, Hungarian Fusiliers are not as cost effective as their German counterparts on open ground, where most fighting is done through shooting. 

Napoleon: Total War Infantry
Line Infantry 18th Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "The Brave"1st Regiment Emperor's Own47th (Czech) Regiment88th Foot "Connaught Rangers"Archduke Charles' LegionBeylik Janissary MusketeersBrunswick Line InfantryFootFusiliers (Line Infantry)Fusiliers of LineGerman FusiliersHighland FootHungarian FusiliersInfantryKings German Legion FootLine InfantryMoscow MusketeersMusketeersNizam-I Cedit InfantryPolish LegionProvincial Nizam-I CeditRevolutionary InfantrySwiss FootVoluntarios de la CoruñaVoluntarios de la Cruzada del Tietar
Militia FenciblesLandwehrLibyan BedouinMilitiaMilitiamenNational GuardOpelcheniePalestinian AuxiliariesPeasant LevyProvincial Militia
Grenadiers 1st East Prussian Grenadier BattalionBeylik Janissary GrenadiersGerman GrenadiersGrenadiersGrenadiers of the LineHungarian GrenadiersPavlovsk Grenadiers
Irregulars & Light Infantry 17th Jäger Regiment6th Regiment d’Infanterie LégèreAzzarsCazadoresCazadores de CataluñaCazardores Francos NumantinosChasseursDutch FlanquersFusiliers (Light Infantry)GuerillasGuerrilla CazadoresGrenzersKings German Legion Light FootLight FootLight InfantryLombardy-Cisapline LegionNizam-I Cedit Light InfantryPrussian FusiliersRegimento de ArlanzaRussian Jägers
Skirmishers 95th FootContra-GuerrillasCorso Terrestre de NavarraGuerrilla TiradoresJägersLandesschutzenNassau JägersNizam-I Cedit RiflesNorwegian Ski TroopsRiflesSharpshootersSilesian SchuetzenTiradoresTiradores de CantabriaVoltiguersWindbüchse Jägers
Elite Infantry 42nd Foot (The Black Watch)8th Life RegimentColdstream GuardsDutch GrenadiersFoot GuardsGrenadier GuardsGuard SeamenGuardias de InfanteriaLife Guards of FootLife RegimentLifeguard FootOld GuardRepublican GuardsSemenovski LifeguardVelite GrenadiersWalloon GuardsYoung Guard
Melee Infantry Bashi-BazouksCemaat Janissaries
Mobs Armed CitizenryArmed PopulaceFirelock Armed Populace
Mounted Infantry 10th HussarsCazadores Voluntarios de MadridDragoon GuardsDragoonsEmpress DragoonsKings German Legion DragoonsKings German Legion Light DragoonsLight DragoonsMounted CazadoresMounted JagersMounted Nizam-I CeditMounted RiflesRoyal Scots Greys