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For the Empire: Total War version, see Hungarian Hussars (Empire: Total War).

Hungarian Hussars NTW Icon

Hungarian Hussars are a type of light cavalry in Napoleon: Total War.


Hussars are an elite light cavalry force, excellent against skirmish troops and artillery.

Like other light cavalrymen, hussars have speed, “dash”, and an elitist attitude towards enemies. Hungarian hussars are, without exception, superb equestrians, as might be expected for a Magyar force. Their organisational origin as irregular forces, reputedly recruited from brigands and bandits, gives them a certain independence of spirit and makes them ideal for chasing down skirmishers and dealing with artillery units. They carry a curved sabre and, even though their charge is effective, they are still weak against infantry formed in square.

Historically, Austria had raised units of irregular Magyar horsemen called “huszárok” as far back as the mid-15th Century. They had fought bravely for Matthias Corvinus, the King of Hungary and Croatia and Duke of Austria, but it was not until the 1680s that regular hussar regiments were formed. Having proved their utility in Austrian service, other nations soon copied the ideas and hussars to their own armies. Many enthusiastically adopted hussar uniform as a fashion statement for cavalrymen. In some armies, hussar uniforms grew ever more gaudy, exaggerated, and rather lewdly suggestive in the cut of their very tight breeches!

General Information[]

Hungarian hussars are the standard light cavalry for Austria. They are arguably the best default light cavalry of any faction, with superior statistics to the standard hussars and light dragoons most other factions field, but are significantly more expensive and may only be trained in Hungary in the Europe campaign. Should Austria have the funds to spare and does not lose control of Hungary, it holds a considerable edge in its light cavalry forces over most other factions. Hungarian hussars are one of the few standouts of Austria's otherwise mediocre unit roster, but are still no match for lancers or heavy cavalry, and die as easily to gunfire and artillery bombardment as any other cavalry.

In the Italy Campaign, Hungarian hussars may be trained in Austria's faction capital of Klagenfurt.

Despite what their name may suggest, Hungarian hussars may not be trained by the emergent faction, Hungary, which fields standard hussars instead.

Napoleon: Total War Cavalry
Light Cavalry 15th Hussars1st Hussars5e Regiment de HussardsDeli HorsemenGuerrilla HusaresHungarian HussarsHusaresHusares de CantabriaHusares de RiojaHusares de ValpenasHusares Francos NumantinosHusares Independiente de ExtremaduraHusares Voluntarios de BurgosHussarsLife HussarsLifeguard HussarsLuetzow's FreikorpsMamelukesPavlograd Hussars
Medium Cavalry ChevauxlégersGeneral's BodyguardGeneral's StaffLine CavalryPortuguese CavalryVoluntarios de Ciudad Rodrigo
Heavy Cavalry Archduke Ferdinand CuirassiersCarabiniersChevaliers GardeCoraceros EspanolesCuirassiersD'ErlonEarl of UxbridgeGarde du CorpGrenadiers à ChevalGuardias da CorpGuards of HonourHorse GuardsHorse Guards (Republic)Joachim MuratLife GuardsLifeguards of HorseLifeguard HorseMichel Ney
Lancer Cavalry 7e Regiment de Chevaulegers-LanciersBrandenburg UhlansChevau-Légers LancersCossack CavalryDutch Guard LancersGuerrilla LancerosLancerosLanceros de CastillaLanceros del TietarLancersLifeguard CossacksPolish Guard LancersSilahtar GuardSiphai CavalryTowarczysUlansVistula Uhlans
Mounted Infantry and Missile Cavalry 10th HussarsCazadores Voluntarios de MadridDragoon GuardsDragoonsChasseurs à ChevalEmpress DragoonsGuard Chasseurs à ChevalGuerrilla LeaderKings German Legion DragoonsKings German Legion Light DragoonsLight DragoonsMounted CazadoresMounted JagersMounted Nizam-I-CeditMounted RiflesRoyal Scots Greys
Camel Cavalry Camel GunnersCamel WarriorsDromedary CavalryShaturnal Camel Gunners