Iga is a province in Total War: Shogun 2, Rise of the Samurai, and Fall of the Samurai.
Located in westernmost Tokaido, Iga province is home to the Iga Sokoku Ikki, a group of minor clans - including the Hattori - and the founders of the Iga school of ninjutsu. Their formidable ninjutsu skills, combined with their intimate knowledge of the mountainous terrain, allowed the Iga families to maintain their independence for many years. They were almost destroyed when Oda Nobunaga invaded Iga in 1581, although many escaped and survived to serve Tokugawa Ieyasu when he rose to power.
Total War: Shogun 2[]
- Clan: Hattori Clan
- Port: None
- Fertility: Meager
- Specialty/Resource: Ninja
Home to the Hattori Clan, Iga is a mediocre province with meager soil. This is somewhat made up for by its ninja specialty, which bolsters its wealth. However, it is the poorest province with a ninja specialty, and the fact that it is very close to the other ninja specialty provinces diminishes its usefulness in comparison to its neighbors.
Iga borders wealthy provinces, including Omi to the north, Ise to the east and south, Yamato to the west, and Kyoto to the northwest.
Rise of the Samurai[]
- Clan: Isonokami (Fujiwara)
- Port: None
- Fertility: Meager
- Specialty/Resource: Ninja
Iga is more useful in Rise of the Samurai: as monomi can only be recruited from ninja specialty provinces, and as each ninja specialty province can only support two monomi, each ninja specialty province captured increases the cap of total monomi. Iga is initially owned by the Fujiwara-supporting Isonokami, and is an excellent early target for the nearby Fukuhara Taira.
Fall of the Samurai[]
- Clan: Tsu (Imperial
- Port: None
- Fertility: Meager
- Specialty/Resource: Ninja
Iga no longer has any specialty or resource. The lack of resources, in conjunction with its meager soil and lack of a port, makes Iga one of the poorest provinces in Fall of the Samurai. This is unfortunate for its owner, the Tsu domain, which needs to quickly expand to its much richer neighbors if it is to hope to survive the campaign.