The Imam is an agent type in Medieval II: Total War, recruited in Small Masjid(or next level buildings). There is recruitment limit on Imams, its possible to train many Imams as faction have above mentioned religious buildings. Imams are only available to Islamic nations.
The Imam's main purpose is to convert settlements to faction state religion and denounce Heretics or Witches. The higher the Imam's Piety skill, the higher chance for denouncing Heretics and Witches. There is four hidden stats for Imam. Unorthodoxy affects the chance of becoming a heretic(less Unorthodox is better). Violence determines how likely a Imam is to agree to a jihad(more Violence is better for calling Jihad). Purity effects the Imam's chance of becoming a heretic, although in smaller quantities(more Purity is better).
Imam Ancillaries[]
Name | Building required | Chance % | Effect | Exclude and additional conditions | How to obtain |
Monk | 100 | +1 Piety AND -1 Purity | Royal Seminarian,
TurnsIdle>=4 PopulationOwnReligion>=80 |
End turn in region | |
Royal Seminarian | Castle | 20 | +1 Piety AND +1 Unorthodoxy | Monk | Agent Created |
There is no transferable ancillaries for Imam.
Imam traits and gaining Piety skill[]
Traits good |
Max level |
Level and effect |
How to get |
Purifier | 3 | +1 AND +1 AND +1 AND +1(1)/+2 AND +1 AND +2 AND +2(3)/+3 AND +2 AND +3 AND +2(6) Piety AND Eligibility AND Purity AND Violence | A imam gains a point in Purifier with one very complicated trigger. At the end of any turn in which he is in a region that he has been in for more than four turns, with a religion shift greater than 10%, a heretic population less than 5%, and the region has had more than 5% heresy for ten or more turns, he gains a point in Purifier. |
Missionary | 3 | +1 AND +1 AND +1 AND -1(1)/+2 AND +1 AND +2 AND -2(3)/+3 AND +2 AND +3 AND -2(6) Piety AND Eligibility AND Purity AND Violence | A imam gains a point in Missionary with another fairly complex trigger. At the end of any turn in which he is in a region that he has been in for more than four turns, with a religion shift greater than 10%, a population of his own religion greater than 95%, and the region has had less than 95% of his population for ten or more turns, he gains a point in Missionary. |
Dogmatic | 3 | -1(1)/-2(3)/-3(6) Unorthodoxy | A imam gains a point in Dogmatic with 20% probability if he ends his turn in a settlement with a cathedral or greater. Or with 50% probability if he has been in the region exactly three turns, the population is more than 85%his faction's religion, and the religion shift is less than ten percent. Antitrait OpenMinded. |
DivineProtection | 3 | +1(1)/+1 AND +1(6)/+2 AND +2(6) Violence AND Piety | A imam gains a point in DivineProtection any time he executes an assassin. Antitrait Doomsayer. |
NaturaimamSkill | 3 | +1/+2/+3 Piety | A imam gains firt level in NaturalimamSkill on creation. He then possibly gain second level with 50% probability, and if he gains second level, he have chance gain third level with 20% probability. This makes the probabilities 1(50%), 2(40%),3(10%). |
TheologiansGuildTrained | 1 | +1 Piety | A imam gains TheologiansGuildTrained if the creating settlement has a Theologians Guild or better. |
TheologiansGuildMember | 2 | +1/+2 Piety | A imam gains first level in TheologiansGuildMember on creation if the faction has a Master Theologians Guild or better, and second level on creation if the faction has a Grandmaster Theologians Guild. |
StrongFaith | 4 | +1(1)/+2(4)/+3(8)/+4(12) Piety | At the end of any turn, a imam gains a point in StrongFaith with three triggers:One, if he has been in the region for fewer than three turns, does not have a level of StrongFaith yet, and the region's religion shifts eight or more percent to his faction's religion in that turn, he gains a point of StrongFaith.Two, if he has been in the region for fewer than five turns, has one level of StrongFaith, and the region's religion shifts ten or more percent to his faction's religion in that turn, he gains a point of StrongFaith with 50%probability.Three, if he has been in the region for fewer than five turns, has two levels of StrongFaith, and the region's religion shifts ten or more percent to his faction's religion in that turn, he gains a point of StrongFaith with 50%probability. They apparently forgot to put in a trigger that could get a imam the fourth level of StrongFaith. Antitrait WaveringFaith |
GoodDenouncer | 5 | +1(1)/+2(2)/+3(4)/+4(8)/+5(16) Piety | A imam gains a point in GoodDenouncer when he succeeds on a denouncement if he does not have one or more levels of BadDenouncer. Antitrait BadDenouncer. |
HeresyImmunityNonCatholic | 1 | HeresyImmunity | If imams piety is at least 6, he gets immunity against becoming heretic.HIDDEN |
Traits bad |
Max level |
Level and Effect |
How to get |
Doomsayer | 3 | +1 AND -1(1)/+1 AND -1(3)/+2 AND -2(6) Unorthodoxy AND Violence | A imam gains a point in Doomsayer any time he suffers an assassination attempt. Antitrait DivineProtection. |
WaveringFaith | 4 | -1/-2/-3/-4 Piety | At the end of any turn, a imam gains a level in WaveringFaith with 20% probability if he has been in the region five or more turns, the region is less than 60% his faction's religion, the region is 20% or greater heretic,and the shift to his faction's religion is eight percent or less.. Antitrait StrongFaith. |
OpenMinded | 3 | +1/+2/+3 Unorthodoxy | A imam can gain level in OpenMinded with 33% probability any time he is adjacent to a heretic, whether at the end of his turn or the heretic's turn.In addition, a imam can gain level in OpenMinded with 20% probability at the end of any turn in which he is in a region with 40% or less of his own religion, and has been in that region for more than two turns. Antitrait Dogmatic. |
BadDenouncer | 3 | -1/-2(3)/-3(6) Piety | A imam gains a point in BadDenouncer with 33% probability when he fails a denouncement if he does not have one or more levels of GoodDenouncer. Antitrait GoodDenouncer. |
Imams don't gain more than 10 Piety skill. Some traits in tables have numbers in brackets: this denotes how many points one needs to raise skill. Antitraits mean that they can replace one trait with another.
Strategy and tips[]
Best place to recruit Imams is in settlement with Theologians guild. Imam should get at least 6 piety for immunity against becoming heretic.