Grand Guest House
Inn is a building chain in Total War: Three Kingdoms. Its main purpose is to provide a steady flow of commerce income and a small reduction in building cost for Agriculture Buildings.
The chain branches at level 3, into the Guest House chain or the Tea Parlour chain. The Guest House chain provides a larger percentage bonus to commerce income throughout the commanderies they are built in, while the tea parlour chain provides greater flat income. In practice, as tea is only produced in the south-western corner of the map, the tea parlour chain is unavailable for most factions throughout most of their campaigns. For those factions lucky enough to obtain tea, however, the tea parlour chain tends to be more lucrative.
Inn Building Chain[]
Horse Exchange (level 1)[]
Rumours, as well as horses, are exchanged here. A horse exchange is where express postal officers can get fresh horses to continue their journey. As these posts are meeting points between commanderies for messengers, they are places where news and rumours collect, and information is exchanged. However, a rider cannot talk for long; their job is to deliver urgent communications between post stations, and a horseback postal officer is expected to cover at least 200 li over a day and night or suffer a flogging as punishment.

Horse Exhange
Upkeep: None
Cost: 1550
- +100 income (commerce)
- +10% income from commerce
- -10% agriculture buildings construction cost reduction
Unlocks Reform: Liu Bo
Mail Post (level 2)[]
Communication is vital to a stable rule. Mail posts offer two types of vital communication; firstly, its official function of mail deliveries, and secondly, the unofficial exchange of reports and rumours between post officers. The mail itself is written on scrolls tied with binding strings, which are then further fastened with seals. Breakage of the seal by anyone but the addressee is considered a serious breach of confidentiality, possibly even treason, and is a punishable offence.

Mail Post
Upkeep: None
Cost: 1900
- +120 income (commerce)
- +25% income from commerce
- -10% agriculture buildings construction cost reduction
Lodge (level 3A)[]
Rest and refreshment provide new perspectives. Post stations have basic temporary accommodation for travelling officers, but the amenities of a lodge are much more comfortable, especially for those of high standing. Here, a visiting officer can enjoy a good meal before retiring and can meet fellow officers during their stay. Naturally, talk turns to news and rumours, often providing a welcome fresh perspective on events. Captivated by good conversation and company, the officers spend their coin freely, contributing to the area’s financial well-being as well as their own.

Upkeep: None
Cost: 2350
- +140 income (commerce)
- +50% income from commerce
- -10% agriculture buildings construction cost reduction
Guest House (level 4A)[]
Informal conversation sometimes achieves more than official channels. After a long and wearying journey, a guest house provides respite for the travelling officer. Officials of all disciplines congregate here along their journeys, and the guest house has a large common area where they can meet and discuss China's ills and what may be done about them. The informality of a guest house means those who would never cross paths officially are now free to speculate, exchange information and conduct business without professional bias.

Guest House
Upkeep: None
Cost: 2750
- +160 income (commerce)
- +75% income from commerce
- -10% agriculture buildings construction cost reduction
Requires Reform: Liu Bo
Grand Guest House (level 5A)[]
Come for the rest, stay for the intrigue. Many visitors to the grand guest house are wealthy officials on their way to or from official business in the nearby city. Any businessman knows that the most profitable deals are made through informal liaisons, and intercepting officials at rest opens new trade opportunities. In return, the officials gently prod the traders for any hearsay around their locales, learning of any new potential business rivals so that they may circumvent or undercut them and increase profits.

Grand Guest House
Upkeep: None
Cost: 3350
- +200 income (commerce)
- +100% income from commerce
- -15% agriculture buildings construction cost reduction
Requires Reform: Wéiqí
Tea Parlour (level 3B)[]
Set aside time to drink tea, and for listening. A tea parlour is a warm, welcoming place for social interaction away from the bonds of official duty. Here, one can suspend the heavy burdens of state and country and allow conversation to flow unencumbered; for a short time, within its small but safe confines, China’s troubles cease to exist. An unspoken agreement is made between the parties to speak and listen with an honest heart, without risk of retaliation, so that both can be enlightened. Both leave enriched, as well as refreshed, to take on weightier tasks.

Tea Parlour
Upkeep: None
Cost: 2500
- +170 income (commerce)
- +40% income from commerce
- -10% agriculture buildings construction cost reduction
Requires Resource: Tea
Tea House (level 4B)[]
Let ideas conjugate as tea brews. When one is laden by duty, it is easy for tempers to flare and words to be spoken in anger, only to be regretted when it is too late. The tea house is somewhere for high minds to gather and theorise outside of those responsibilities. When slowly sipping tea, it is impossible to shout, and gives the drinker time to contemplate and absorb new ideas from their companion, no matter how controversial. The tranquillity of the tea house encourages civility and respect among its patrons, enhancing their better qualities.

Tea House
Upkeep: None
Cost: 3050
- +210 income (commerce)
- +60% income from commerce
- -10% agriculture buildings construction cost reduction
Requires Reform: Liu Bo
Requires Resource: Tea
Grand Tea House (level 5B)[]
Tea calms, and refreshes the spirit. The elegance and grandeur of a grand tea house symbolises the prestige of those who frequent within. When military or political entanglement threatens to overwhelm, the grand tea house acts as a temporary refuge. Tea is offered in respect to its customers, and that respect is expected to be returned through their manners and interactions with other patrons. There is much wisdom to be had through reasoned discourse with others, the leisurely drinking of the tea aids contemplation before returning to the wider world.

Grand Tea House
Upkeep: None
Cost: 3650
- +250 income (commerce)
- +80% income from commerce
- -15% agriculture buildings construction cost reduction
Requires Reform: Wéiqí
Requires Resource: Tea