Total War Wiki
TW3K Ji Infantry 430x

A competent anti-cavalry unit that can hold on the battle line or go forward on the attack while holding the flanks

Ji Infantry is a Medium Polearm Infantry unit in Total War: Three Kingdoms. They are best when recruited in Champion retinues but can be recruited in Commander retinues as well. They provide adequate all-around attack and defense utility. They specialize in anti-cavalry melee encounters and have the unit ability Charge Reflection vs. Mounted units. Under a commanding general with knowledge of advanced formations, they can deploy in Spear Wall and Hollowed Square.

It is worthy of note that there is a very close alternative unit to Ji Infantry: Spear Warriors. Worth a look for sake of comparison.

Proper Use[]

Most useful as a counter to cavalry, these moderately armored polearm infantry are capable of holding the line against infantry or cavalry through the mid-game. They are best used on the flanks like most spear and polearm infantry. Despite the additional armor provided them, they remain vulnerable to ranged units since they lack a shield. Compared to Ji Militia, they trade a bit of foot speed for the additional armor. They have improved morale and all-around combat skills as should be expected from this first upgrade in the Ji Militia line of units.

Recruiting Options[]

The benefits of recruiting Ji Infantry units under Commander heroes are few unless they have useful Ancillaries, etc. The normal advantage of improved morale under Commanders is a modest plus at best. Mobility and Zeal are also available for Commanders and these are both useful on infantry.

Champion characters with the Trust skill will buff Ji Infantry unit armor by 10%, which is a useful 31% increase to their base armour. They can also obtain the Guile skill that allows Guerilla Deployment on the battle map. Champions normally have a high amount of the Instinct Attribute, which usually improves their retinues' Melee performance by 10% or more. The Mobility skill is usually near the beginning of the Champion Skill Tree and should be obtained sooner rather than later for the most active Champion field generals. Champions also typically have (or will gain) some Traits and Ancillaries that can boost their polearm retinues. These are the principle reasons to recruit these Wood class units in Champion retinues whenever possible.

  • Type: Medium Halberd Infantry
  • Base cost to recruit: 500
  • Base unit upkeep: 160


TW3K Ji Infantry in-game

In-game (vanilla units)

Infantry armed with polearms to pierce the armour of heavy cavalry, while their armour protects them against enemy missiles.
