Total War Wiki

Jiangyang Tribes is a non-playable Nanman faction in Total War: Three Kingdoms. It starts the campaign in southern China, located in Jiangyang commandery. The faction appears in 190 and 194. As Jiangyang Tribes is a Nanman faction, it has its own Tribal Fealty.

Unique Features[]

  • Unique Units
    • None
  • Unique Buildings
    • None
  • Unique Features

Tribal Fealty[]

Main Article: Tribal Fealty (Total War: Three Kingdoms)

Fealty of Jianyang

The land provides, maybe here more than anywhere else.

Starting Situation[]

Rise of the Warlords (190)[]

TW3K Jiangyang Tribes 190

190 - Jiangyang Tribes (Purple)

Jianyang Tribes starts the campaign in Jiangyang commandery. They are at peace. The Jiangyang tribes border two powerful neighbours: King Meng Huo and King Wutugu, either one of which will most likely defeat them at some point in the campaign.

A World Betrayed (194)[]

TW3K Jiangyang Tribes 190

194 - Jiangyang Tribes (Purple)

Jianyang Tribes starts the World Betrayed campaign in Jiangyang commandery. They are at peace and their situation is largely unchanged since 190. They have the same amount of territory and threats. King Meng Huo or King Wutugu, who are now even more powerful, will most likely defeat them.
