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Joachim Murat and his men are a regiment of heavy cavalry in Napoleon: Total War.


The general and the unit alike share a certain military flamboyance, matched only by their ferocity in melee.

These are big men on big horses, led by Joachim Murat. They wear breastplates and reinforced helmets for protection in close combat, and can charge home with terrific force too. They carry heavy, straight swords which they can use to fearsome man-killing effect. A wise commander uses Murat's force as a battering ram to punch a hole in an enemy line.

Joachim Murat was executed by firing squad in 1815. He met death with the same courage he always showed in battle, rejecting the offered blindfold. Early in his career he impressed Napoleon by securing the artillery that repelled the Royalists during the 13 Vendémiaire fighting. He was repaid by being named King of Naples and Sicily. Although brave in battle, Napoleon feared that Murat had no moral courage and little intelligence. This was the case, as he turned against his former master and, when that didn't work, tried to ingratiate himself again.

General Information[]

As his own unique regiment, Joachim Murat and his men are present only in the Battle of Borodino and the Battle of Dresden, beginning the former battle near Napoleon Bonaparte. His regiment is statistically identical to French Cuirassiers, representing some of the French army's strongest heavy cavalry in both battles. As heavy cavalry, he and his men work best when smashing into infantry at close range (particularly from the flank or rear), though he is just as vulnerable to bullets and cannon fire as any other cavalry.

Joachim Murat also appears in the Europe Campaign as a general, but with a generic General's Staff. In contrast to Napoleon, who gains bonus command stars when commanding many artillery regiments, Murat gains bonus command stars when commanding an army with a significant portion of cavalry. 


Joachim Murat's description panel indicates that he costs 980 gold to recruit; however, as he is only available for the battles of Dresden and Borodino, where he is made available for free in both cases, it is impossible to recruit him without modding.

Napoleon: Total War Cavalry
Light Cavalry 15th Hussars1st Hussars5e Regiment de HussardsDeli HorsemenGuerrilla HusaresHungarian HussarsHusaresHusares de CantabriaHusares de RiojaHusares de ValpenasHusares Francos NumantinosHusares Independiente de ExtremaduraHusares Voluntarios de BurgosHussarsLife HussarsLifeguard HussarsLuetzow's FreikorpsMamelukesPavlograd Hussars
Medium Cavalry ChevauxlégersGeneral's BodyguardGeneral's StaffLine CavalryPortuguese CavalryVoluntarios de Ciudad Rodrigo
Heavy Cavalry Archduke Ferdinand CuirassiersCarabiniersChevaliers GardeCoraceros EspanolesCuirassiersD'ErlonEarl of UxbridgeGarde du CorpGrenadiers à ChevalGuardias da CorpGuards of HonourHorse GuardsHorse Guards (Republic)Joachim MuratLife GuardsLifeguards of HorseLifeguard HorseMichel Ney
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Mounted Infantry and Missile Cavalry 10th HussarsCazadores Voluntarios de MadridDragoon GuardsDragoonsChasseurs à ChevalEmpress DragoonsGuard Chasseurs à ChevalGuerrilla LeaderKings German Legion DragoonsKings German Legion Light DragoonsLight DragoonsMounted CazadoresMounted JagersMounted Nizam-I-CeditMounted RiflesRoyal Scots Greys
Camel Cavalry Camel GunnersCamel WarriorsDromedary CavalryShaturnal Camel Gunners