Total War Wiki

The Juggernaut is a Light Juggernaut unit in Total War: Three Kingdoms. The unit is not faction-unique and can be recruited by most factions. It is a water unit and is best grouped with Strategist heroes.


Main Article: Unit Ability (Total War: Three Kingdoms)

Juggernauts do not have any unit abilities or traits.


TW3K Juggernaut in-game


Sometimes brute strength and relentless force will win the day.

The manifold devices of war can be as ingenious as the repeating crossbow or as stealthy as the poisoned blowpipe. Some war machines, however, are neither sophisticated nor subtle. The juggernaut may be slow-moving and hard to manoeuvre, and its operation may require a mixture of knowledge, dexterity and good fortune, but those enemies caught in the line of fire when the juggernaut roars will be destroyed.
