The Junin Ryogae is a type of business chain building in Fall of the Samurai.
Money eases all problems.
The Junin Ryogae improves commerce for the owning faction by managing the availability of money in the economy. The building improves happiness in a province, and also improves the quality of geishas recruited there. After all, bankers must have their small pleasures.
Compared to medieval merchants, all modern industries and businesses make extensive use of banking services. In the rapidly modernising Japan of the Meiji period, the city of Osaka became a centre for banking, with much of the work of a central bank being done by the "Junin Ryogae", the Ten Exchange Houses. Although these were not modern bankers, they did lend money to other banks, the governments of individual domains, and manage the markets of gold-back cash and silver-backed bank-issue money. In effect, they controlled the exchange and interest rates for Japan.
General Information[]
Requires 13,500 koku, 10 turns, Gold Standard technology, Financial District. Only one can be built.
- +2250 to wealth generated by trade in this province
- +8 per turn to town growth from trade within this province
- +2 to happiness in this province
- -2 to happiness from modernisation
- Enables recruitment of Rank 1 geisha
Clan Effects
- +4 to modernisation
The Junin Ryogae is the final upgrade of the modern branch of business buildings. Befittingly, it grants a large bonus to both region wealth and growth to the region it's built in. The Junin Ryogae pays for itself in 52 turns, which is one of the slower investment options; however, over the long term it profits handsomely due to the large increase to region wealth and wealth growth.
As only one Junin Ryogae may be built, it is usually prudent to build one in a region with the highest settlement chain building possible, to maximize tax income. While only one Junin Ryogae can be built, a faction can control more than one if it captures regions with more Junin Ryogae--a highly lucrative endeavor for those lucky enough to find such regions.
All buildings in the business chain are considered civil buildings, and benefit from decreases in cost and construction time granted by certain events and missions. Taking advantage of such events can make large amounts of extra money in the long run.