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Kyoto Police is a type of spear infantry in Fall of the Samurai.


The Kyoto police carry long pikes on the battlefield. They can only be recruited within the city of Kyoto.

These men should be seen as a militia, or city watch. While they carry spears on the battlefield, these weapons are not the regular equipment the police would carry through the streets. However, they are dedicated, and excellent on the defensive in close combat, and with an impressive charge. They can, under the proper circumstances, break an enemy line. As might be expected, they are also very useful against attacking cavalry. Because they consider themselves to be defending their homes police have good morale.

Modern policing was still developing in the later 19th Century. Police were largely seen as a means of social repression by the ruling classes: they were expected to catch thieves and put down insurrections, but they were not expected to carry out detective work. They were particularly not expected to carry out detective work into the doings of the great and good, especially the wrongdoings of the great and good. While the Kyoto police carrying swords on duty might seem odd to modern eyes, policemen in London could also be issued with swords and pistols on the discretion of their superiors. This was the case even though “the Met” were deliberately not a military or paramilitary force, unlike other European police organisations. In Kyoto the police also had a duty of fire-watching, a constant peril in a city built of wood.

Strengths & Weaknesses

  • Average in melee.
  • Good charge.
  • Good against cavalry.
  • Weak against missile attacks.
  • Good morale.

General Information[]

Kyoto Police may only be recruited in the province of Yamashiro, which means that the only playable factions that have early game access to these units are the Tsu and the Obama. As they can only be recruited in Yamashiro, which is a province with a railway specialty, Kyoto Police cannot benefit from the various buffs of province specialty buildings, such as a blacksmith or Buddhist shrine. They make up for this with their excellent statistics and cheap cost.

Kyoto Police are greatly superior to Spear Levy in every category. Their superb melee skills mean that they can do very well against even line infantry if they can engage in melee combat without taking too many casualties from range first. Additionally, they can utilize the Rapid Advance ability, improving their melee attack, charge bonus, movement speed and stamina temporarily.

Kyoto Police are in most ways inferior to Yari Kachi, but they are much cheaper to train and maintain and also have better anti-cavalry skill. While they are significantly more expensive to train than spear levies, they are only marginally more expensive to maintain.

Fall of the Samurai Infantry
Sword Infantry Katana KachiShogitai
Spear Infantry Spear LevySpear Levy GarrisonKyoto PoliceYari Kachi
Bow Infantry Bow Kachi
Matchlock Infantry Matchlock Kachi
Special Infantry Kisho Ninja
Militia Infantry Levy Garrison InfantryLevy InfantryWhite Tiger Force
Light Infantry SharpshootersTosa RiflemenYugekitai
Line Infantry Azure Dragon ForceBlack Bear InfantryBlack Tortoise ForceGarrison InfantryImperial InfantryLine InfantryRed Bear InfantryRepublican InfantryShinsengumi Police ForceShogunate InfantryVermilion Bird ForceWhite Bear Infantry
Elite Infantry Imperial Guard InfantryInfanterie de marineKihetaiRepublican Guard InfantryRoyal MarinesShogunate Guard InfantryUnited States Marines