The Labour building chain is a group of buildings in Total War: Three Kingdoms. It provides population growth via migration from commanderies adjacent to where it was built and provides a construction cost reduction for Learning & Market Buildings. Depending on your upgrade path, it also provides even more migration or a 40% income boost to industry profits in the local commandery.
Labour building chain[]
Drifter Workforce Camp (level 1)[]
Provide work and a home and the people will contribute. China’s spiritual turmoil is made manifest in natural disasters; flooding has destroyed the homes and livelihoods of many people and untethered them, forcing them into destitution as they roam the land searching for new work. A workforce camp provides the beginnings of a new life for many drifters, where they receive a small wage in return for local maintenance and repair work. A small community begins to form within the camp through shared circumstance, and word is sent out to relatives that work can be found here.
- Upkeep: None
- Cost: 700
- +4K population growth (local county)
- Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -10%
Temporary Labour Housing (level 2)[]
Improved homes attract more workers. As the district is improved, temporary housing is built for new and existing migrant workers. The houses prove that migrant labour is viable, and each day new drifters arrive to lend hands. Their labours have started to generate income for the district; building and repairing roads, digging irrigation ditches and transportation of food staples all figure in their work. These people who were once outsiders now consider this district their home, and take pride in improving it.
- Upkeep: 10 per turn
- Cost: 1150
- +12K population growth (local county)
- -1K population growth (migration, adjacent commanderies)
- Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -10%
Labourer Conscription Housing (level 3)[]
Call upon the people to do their duty. The maintenance of roads and irrigation is never-ending and expensive, and the funds required to pay workers for it would place a heavy burden on the district. Instead, the work can be through corvée labour; it is the annual obligation of each citizen to provide one month’s unpaid work in the service of China. The workers are recruited from the local population, and often undertake construction and repairs within the district, with the goal of making the area as self-sufficient as possible.
- Upkeep: 10 per turn
- Cost: 1800
- +25K population growth (local county)
- -2K population growth (migration, adjacent commanderies)
- Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -10%
Unlocks Reform: Slave Mobilisation
Permanent Labor Housing (level 4A)[]
New homes for a new workforce. Warfare and natural disasters conspire to bring strife and misery to this land, forcing many people out of their homes and destroying their livelihoods. An investment in the building of permanent labour housing, close to the areas where work is available, will attract the disenfranchised looking for new work and homes. Once settled, many households of this new workforce send word to other family members, increasing the population and speeding up the production of goods and revenue generated within the district.
- Upkeep: 60 per turn
- Cost: 3050
- +50K population growth (local county)
- -4K population growth (migration, adjacent commanderies)
- Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -10%
Requires Reform: Office of Arts & Crafts
Provides Resource: Artisans
Office of Works (level 5A)[]
Homes, family and work make a community. An office of works oversees the construction of new homes for labourers, whether they are corvée, drifters or even convicts carrying out a sentence of physical labour. Warfare and natural disasters have robbed many of their homes and livelihoods, who are forced to travel great distances just to find work. New migrants to this district are registered for corvée, taxation and legal purposes, and provided with homes so they can start rebuilding their lives, and work as a community to improve the district.
- Upkeep: 110 per turn
- Cost: 5400
- +100K population growth (local county)
- -6K population growth (migration, adjacent commanderies)
- Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -15%
Requires Reforms: State Monopolies
Provides Resource: Artisans
Bureau of Mining Subsidies (level 4B)[]
Management increases efficiency and profit. A bureau of mining subsidiaries manages the running of iron and salt mines. A district blessed with iron or salt resources has the potential for a great deal of revenue if organised properly. As such, a number of officials and junior officials educated in the workings of industry have been assigned to administrative posts here. The officials manage the hiring of private or corvée miners, acquisition of tools and determine when a mine has been exhausted, or no longer profitable, all of which increases profit.
- Upkeep: 40 per turn
- Cost: 2800
- +40K population growth (local county)
- -2K population growth (migration, adjacent commanderies)
- +25% income from industry
- Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -10%
Requires Reforms: Shaft Mining
Requires Resource: Iron, Salt
Provides Resource: Industrialists
Bureau of State Mining Expeditions (level 5B)[]
Careful planning increases opportunities for profit. Mining expeditions for iron or salt are expensive endeavours, and the high cost must be justified by providing evidence of future profit. This requires research, expert insight and opinion, this hiring of miners, and financial backing to be budgeted and approved. A bureau of state mining expeditions is staffed by industry official, who together have the experience and authority to organise such expeditions, increasing the chances of their success and increasing profit for the district.
- Upkeep: 80 per turn
- Cost: 3800
- +80K population growth (local county)
- -5K population growth (migration, adjacent commanderies)
- +40% income from industry
- Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -15%
Requires Reforms: Shaft Mining
Requires Resource: Iron, Salt
Provides Resource: Industrialists