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Lanceros de Castilla NTW Icon

Lanceros de Castilla are a type of guerrilla lancer cavalry in The Peninsular Campaign.


Guerrilla Lanceros are swift, irregular horsemen who use their lances in devastating charges. Guerrilla units can be deployed anywhere on the battlefield except inside the enemy deployment zone or within range of the enemy general.

The sight and sound of thundering cavalry, lances thrust forward, is a fearsome thing to behold. Guerrilla Lanceros are supposed to use their horsemanship to punch a hole through enemy defences, causing casualties and possibly breaking the enemy in the process. After a charge, they should withdraw quickly and reform, as lances are too unwieldy to use in close combat. Staying for a prolonged fight might prove too dangerous for the lancers!

Napoleon’s occupation of Spain and depredations by French soldiers outraged the Spanish, leading many of them to seek revenge. Julian Sanchez was an ex-soldier and farmer who raised a band of Guerrilla Lancers after the French brutalised his family. Sanchez grasped that light cavalrymen with an intimate knowledge of the country could carry out small, but damaging, attacks. His lancers would lay in wait for days and then ambush small convoys, gathering intelligence as they did so. In the process, French morale was damaged and the lives of the French were made as miserable and dangerous as possible. He quickly gained the attention of the Duke of Wellington as well as the Spanish people, who showed their respect by addressing him as “Don Julian”.

General Information[]

Lanceros de Castilla are similar to Guerrilla Lanceros, but with better melee stats and a worse charging bonus. 

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