Total War Wiki

"The men who conquered the known world."

Legionaries are Tier VI Roman Empire sword units in Total War: Arena.


As Rome's reach expanded, as did its demand for soldiers. But by the start of the first century BC traditional sources of manpower, sapped by wars in Africa and Gaul, were beginning to dry up. How could Rome continue to maintain its forces?

In 107 BC the Consul Gaius Marius found the answer in the poor plebeians of Rome — who up until then had been unable to afford the equipment required to join the army. Marius offered them a regular salary and state-provided equipment, and the promise of a plot of land to retire on at the end of their service. Not only did this solve Rome's manpower problem, this new, professional army could train all year round. The division between hastati, principes and triarii was eliminated — now all soldiers could claim to be equally effective in battle.
