Total War Wiki

For pages with similar names, see Life Guards. For the Empire: Total War version of this unit, see Life Guards of Horse (Empire: Total War).

Life Guards of Horse are a type of heavy cavalry in Napoleon: Total War.


These elite heavy cavalry troops may be slow, but they make up for it by delivering a devastating charge.

The impact of their charge on an unprotected infantry unit is a heartening sight for nearby comrades, and a terrible one for enemy units. Once their initial charge has shaken the enemy, this unit can then engage in close combat, hacking with their straight heavy swords at anyone unfortunate to still be alive. Though powerful, they are still at a disadvantage against elite infantry and almost any infantry properly formed up in a square.

Historically, French cavalry were considered among the best during the Napoleonic Wars, despite the French not necessarily having the best individual horsemen. Instead, French cavalry strength lay in the organisation and strict discipline of the regiments. On the battlefield, the French often had remounts ready to take the place of fallen horses. Regiments were trained well enough, and expected, to change formations and strategic positions on the battlefield as and when required.

General Information[]

Life Guards of Horse are very similar to generic Garde du Corp, but have slightly better defence at the price of slightly higher training and upkeep costs.


Napoleon: Total War Cavalry
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Camel Cavalry Camel GunnersCamel WarriorsDromedary CavalryShaturnal Camel Gunners