Lodging is a building chain in Total War: Three Kingdoms. It is unique to Liu Biao. It provides governance, reduces the cost of agriculture buildings, provides income and increases the income of the local commandery. An alternative path sacrifices some of the commandery income bonus for character experience, more governance and more commerce income.
Building Chain[]
Clerk Travel Lodge (level 1)[]

Clerk Travel Lodge
Clerks are hired for their practical expertise in governmental matters, and indispensable because of their hands-on local knowledge. A good clerk will have journeyed to many settlements during their career, making inspections and reporting their findings back to their superiors. A travel lodge offers accommodation for those visiting or passing through to another destination; a place where they can rest, eat and compose their reports, and a place clerks can recommend to their colleagues.
Cost: 2150
- +1 governance (faction-wide)
- Focus on commerce income (local commandery)
- Agriculture buildings construction cost reduction: -10% (local commandery)
- +120 income (commerce) (this commandery)
- +10% income from commerce (local commandery)
Noble Travel Lodge (level 2)[]
A lodge for nobles to rest during their travels profits financially, but also from a degree of reputability bestowed by their very presence. The rooms and service are of a higher quality than those in standard boarding houses, and should a noble’s stay be satisfactory, they will speak favourably of it and generate more business for the landlord. For those who can afford it, staying in a room formerly inhabited by a noble is something to boast about to their peers, assuring that the lodge will rarely be vacant.
Cost: 2700
- +1 governance (faction-wide)
- Focus on commerce income (local commandery)
- Agriculture buildings construction cost reduction: -10% (local commandery)
- +140 income (commerce) (this commandery)
- +25% income from commerce (local commandery)
Gentlemen Lodge (level 3A)[]
Outside of nobles and the elite, advancement can be gained through studying Confucianism, so that a commoner may become a gentleman. A true gentleman rises above petty and selfish desires to stand as an example to others. A lodge to provide rest and recuperation for gentlemen as they make their travels, both spiritually and physically, brings extra income into the town and increasing the lodge’s customer base as word spreads of its service.
Cost: 2550
- +2 governance (faction-wide)
- Agriculture buildings construction cost reduction: -10% (local commandery)
- +160 income (commerce) (this commandery)
- +50% income from commerce (local commandery)
Gentlemen Guest House (level 4A)[]
After a long and wearying journey, a gentlemen guest house provides respite for the traveller. Where people of learned and honourable character congregate together, there will be lively and encouraging conversation about the ills of China, and what may be done about them. As such esteemed company becomes more common in the area, it inspires and encourages others, dissuading them from engaging in immoral and selfish affairs.
Cost: 3150
- +2 governance (faction-wide)
- Agriculture buildings construction cost reduction: -10% (local commandery)
- +180 income (commerce) (this commandery)
- +80% income from commerce (local commandery)
Gentlemen Guest House Garden (level 5A)[]
Travel to new and unfamiliar territories is vital for a gentleman; whether for business or personal matters, it increases their experiences and teaches as much as any book can. However, being away from home for large stretches of a time can wear the spirit, so the friendly and peaceful accommodation in the form of a gentlemen guest house garden is a welcome sight. Aside from their custom, the area benefits from the gentleman’s presence, as their influence deters immoral activities. Cost: 3750
- +4 governance (faction-wide)
- Agriculture buildings construction cost reduction: -15% (local commandery)
- +200 income (commerce) (this commandery)
- +120% income from commerce (local commandery)
Gentlemen Tea Parlour (level 3B)[]
A tea parlour is a warm, welcoming place for social interaction or solitary contemplation. Here, gentleman can rest from their travels, or escape from the burdens of everyday life and allow conversation to flow unencumbered. When drinking with company, an unspoken agreement is made that all speak and listen with an honest heart, so that both can be enlightened, so when leaving, one is refreshed to grasp weightier tasks once again.
Cost: 2400
- +3 governance (faction-wide)
- +5% character experience (faction-wide)
- Agriculture buildings construction cost reduction: -10% (local commandery)
- +170 income (commerce) (this commandery)
- +40% income from commerce (local commandery)
Gentlemen Tea House (level 4B)[]
Even a gentleman's temper can flare and words be spoken in anger when life is heavy and unrelenting. A tea house is somewhere for high minds to gather and theorise, away from the real consequences of whatever is proposed. When slowly sipping tea, it is impossible to shout, which gives the drinker time to contemplate and absorb new ideas, no matter how controversial. The tranquillity of the tea house encourages civility and respect among its patrons, and they leave as better people. Cost: 3250
- +3 governance (faction-wide)
- +10% character experience (faction-wide)
- Agriculture buildings construction cost reduction: -10% (local commandery)
- +210 income (commerce) (this commandery)
- +60% income from commerce (local commandery)
Gentlemen Tea Garden (level 5B)[]
The elegance and uncomplicated beauty of a grand tea garden reflects the calm experienced by those who frequent it. When the mind and spirit is entangled by dilemma or confusion, the tea garden offers a temporary refuge. The combination of tea and nature has a soothing effect and reminds patrons of the important things in life. The leisurely drinking of tea aids contemplation and braces one to return to the wider world and its myriad complexities. Cost: 4150
- +5 governance (faction-wide)
- +15% character experience (faction-wide)
- Agriculture buildings construction cost reduction: -15% (local commandery)
- +250 income (commerce) (this commandery)
- +80% income from commerce (local commandery)