For the variant with bamboo, see Bamboo Lumber Yard (building chain)

Pine Trader Camp
Lumber Yard is a building chain in Total War: Three Kingdoms. Besides simply providing lumber, it also grants prestige, income from peasantry, trade influence and reserve capacity. The alternate path provides military supplies at the cost of all trade influence and a small amount of income. Both branches provide a cost reduction for the construction of Military Buildings.
Building Chain[]

Deserted Pine Forest
Deserted Pine Forest (level 0)[]
The people here keep to themselves; untouched and unchecked by the guiding hand of government. The people here are inward looking and able to operate outside of government influence, which has the disadvantage of not knowing what threats lie in wait beyond their boundaries. Establishing an authoritative presence here would do much for the wellbeing of the people, providing both them and the country with additional prosperity.
Cost: None

Pine Lumber Yard
Pine Lumber Yard (level 1)[]
Take from the forest to build homes. A local lumber yard reduces the maintenance cost of buildings, as it means the heaviest, and most cumbersome materials builders need for construction are closer, and therefore, cheaper to obtain. The opening of the yard attracts more people to the area looking for regular work, of which there is plenty; the trees are selected, then felled, before the timber is transported back and processed as lumber for selling. Finally, seeds must be planted to replace the felled trees to keep the forest plentiful for future use.
Cost: 800
- +5 prestige
- +40 income (peasantry)
- +10 reserve capacity
- -10% military buildings construction cost
Provides Resource: Lumber

Pine Woodcutter
Pine Woodcutter (level 2)[]
Let nature take the weight of the work. Transportation of timber from the forest to the lumber yard is, at the least, difficult, and the worst, dangerous. Timber is heavy, cumbersome, and if dropped, could injure or crush the workers moving it. A safer way of transporting the timber is to dig a channel from the source to the lumber yard and then laying the timber in the channel and use water to propel it towards its destination. Apart from being safer, it is also a more efficient use of the worker’s time, freeing them to continue felling the trees.
Cost: 1150
- +5 prestige
- +70 income (peasantry)
- +10 reserve capacity
- -10% military buildings construction cost
Provides Resource: Lumber

Pine Woodcutter Camp
Pine Woodcutter Camp (level 3)[]
Safety requires a fresh mind and body. Obtaining timber from the forest can be extremely dangerous, as well as exhausting. Accidents involving the felling of trees, dropping timber during transportation and incidents simply from sheer exhaustion can take a toll on the workers. A camp, situated near the pine or bamboo forest, gives weary workers a place to retire and rest after their toil. With a clearer head, tragedies are less likely to occur, making the work more attractive to migrants looking for work.
Cost: 1450
- +5 prestige
- +100 income (peasantry)
- +10 reserve capacity
- -10% military buildings construction cost
Provides Resource: Lumber

Pine Timber Storehouse
Pine Timber Storehouse (level 4)[]
Once felled, timber must be stored to avoid ruin. A storehouse keeps collected timber safe from extreme weather, preventing it from being ruined before it can be used. To limit infestation by pests and insects, or fungal infections, the timber is felled in winter. The cold weather allows it to dry out slowly, avoiding the splitting and cracking that can occur by drying too rapidly in the hot summer months. Once stored, the timber is easier to track, by having the volumes recorded and marked out for different cuttings, depending on its final use.
Cost: 1800
- +10 prestige
- +130 income (peasantry)
- +10 reserve capacity
- -10% military buildings construction cost
Provides Resource: Lumber
Requires Reform: Government Tool Distribution

Pine Trader Camp
Pine Trader Camp (level 5A)[]
A self-sufficient timber line. A trade camp, where timber can be directly purchased from and transported by its customers, provides new work for the population, attracting more people looking for work. Buildings in the district are thus well served by the locality of the camp, and the cost of the timber and transportation is reduced. Income and trade are increased with this new enterprise, and specialists can be hired to start forging and improving weapons from the highest quality timber.
Cost: 2450
- +15 prestige
- +160 income (peasantry)
- +15% trade influence
- +10 reserve capacity
- -15% military buildings construction cost
Provides Resource: Lumber
Requires Reform: Sharecropping
Requires Resource: Entrepreneurs

Composite Wood Maker Camp
Composite Wood Maker Camp (level 5B)[]
An evolution of the bow. Most commonly in China at this time, composite woods are used in bow manufacture, ensuring they are able to expand and contract in the country’s humid climate without cracking or splitting, and strike their targets with the required force. Different types of wood, including bamboo, can be laminated together with animal sinew in order to increase the tension and strength of the finished product. A Composite Wood Maker Camp is an organised operation, where the various elements are prepared and fitted together on a rudimentary production line.
Cost: 2400
- +15 prestige
- +5 military supplies (local commandery)
- +150 income (peasantry)
- +10 reserve capacity
- -15% military buildings construction cost
Provides Resource: Lumber
Requires Reform: Sharecropping
Requires Resource: Artisans