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For other uses of the term, see Market.

The Market is a type of commercial building in Napoleon: Total War.


A place for people to gather and sell their wares, a market noticeably improves town wealth.

The sights, sounds, and smells of a modern market differ somewhat to the days of old. Now they team [sic] with goods from all over the world, coffee from the Ottoman Turks, wool from Britain, furs from the United States, and spices from India. This wide variety of commodities helps to increase industrial wealth as well as town wealth.

Napoleon attempted to use trade and the restriction thereof to cripple the British war effort. He correctly understood that money was the basis of British power. His attack on Egypt, as well as serving his own interests, was intended to destroy, eventually, Britain's trade in India. When Napoleon took control of France he continued his attempted strangulation of Britain's trade by issuing a number of decrees against trade with Britain. The first of these was the Berlin Decree of 1806. The British government responded with a blockade of French-controlled Europe and ordered Royal Navy vessels to seize any ships, hostile or neutral, violating the blockade.

General Information[]

While the region wealth markets add is quite insubstantial (tied with Stables for the lowest amount in the game), the town wealth growth is among the best in the game for value, and give regions that are lucky enough to be able to build markets an early boost in town wealth growth that can compound greatly as the game progresses. Markets pay for themselves within 19-25 turns assuming standard tax rate. Given this rapid rate and their generous town wealth growth for an early building type, markets are among the best buildings for making money in both the short and long run.

Markets may be upgraded to merchant houses, which provide a greater region wealth, town wealth growth, and provides a global town wealth increase.

The Peninsular Campaign[]

In The Peninsular Campaign, markets require 300 gold and 2 turns to build. Given how starting town wealth in nearly all regions is negligible at the start of The Peninsular Campaign, markets rapidly magnify the worth of the regions they're built in, and are highly worthwhile investments.

Napoleon: Total War Buildings
Region Capital Buildings Administrative buildings: Tax OfficeMagistrateCourt of JusticeCourt of AppealsSupreme Court Cultural buildings: TheatreOpera HouseGrand Opera HouseGreat Museum Military buildings: CantonmentBarracksDrill SchoolMilitary AcademyStaff College Ordnance buildings: Cannon FoundryOrdnance FactoryGreat ArsenalOrdnance BoardEngineer School • Roads: Basic RoadsCobbled RoadsMetalled Roads Fortifications: Small Star FortLarge Star Fort
Town Buildings Commercial buildings: MarketMerchant HouseBanking House Gunsmiths: GunsmithMusket ManufactorySmall Arms Factory Supply buildings: Supply PostSupply WarehouseSupply Depot Factories: ManufactoryFactorySteam-Powered Factory Entertainment buildings: Member's ClubSecret SocietyMasonic Lodge Universities: CollegeClassical UniversityModern University
Resource Buildings Farms: FarmsClearancesGreat Estates Stables: StablesStud FarmEquestrian Estate • Logging Camps: Logging CampLumber MillSteam-Powered Sawmill Mines: Gold MineSteam-Pumped Gold MineIndustrial Gold MineIron MineSteam-Pumped Iron MineIndustrial Iron Mining Complex Vineyards: VineyardsWineriesWine Estates
Ports Trading ports: Trading PortCommercial PortTrading Company Military ports: DockyardDrydockSteam Drydock Supply ports: Supply PortMilitary Supply PortMilitary Port Complex
Unique Buildings Arc de TriompheHeldenplatzHumboldt UniversitätKremlin ArmoryMinin MonumentMusée NapoléonNational GalleryNelson's ColumnSiegessäuleWiener Theater