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TW3K Port Trading Association

Port Trading Association

Market Wharf is a building chain in Total War: Three Kingdoms. It provides a boost to commerce income, trade influence and a small reduction in cost for constructing Agriculture Buildings. An alternative path sacrifices some trade influence for a heightened cost for deployed enemy spies. Both paths provide Entrepreneurs.

Commanderies with the option to build market wharves cannot build marketplaces, and vice versa. They are nearly identical, though at higher upgrade levels market wharves are slightly worse, and do not have a variant that increases silk income. Generally, commanderies that are landlocked can build marketplaces, while commanderies bordering the Yellow River, Yangtze River, or the Pacific Ocean can build market wharves.

Building Chain[]

TW3K Dock Trading

Dock Trading

Dock Trading (level 1)[]

Newly imported goods await intrepid buyers. Though merchants and trade are considered a somewhat shameful occupation by more traditional critics, there is no denying the money they can generate. By allowing merchants to present their wares within the trading district, the town will start gaining a reputation for trade, bringing customers and other merchants – and their accompanying profits – into the district, increasing local trade and trade with neighbouring regions.

Upkeep: 10

Cost: 1050

  • +50% income from commerce
  • +10% trade influence
  • -10% agriculture building construction cost reduction

TW3K Dock Market

Dock Market

Dock Market (level 2)[]

Goods are loaded and unloaded, exchanged and sold here. The trade of merchants is proving to be popular, popular enough to merit a dock market. Here, merchants can sell their wares at designated stalls amongst the hustle and bustle of the docks. The market marks the beginnings of a trade network, as merchants start meeting and trading together, sharing contacts to widen their business, and seeing what kind of prices the competition are charging and adjusting accordingly.

Upkeep: 20

Cost: 1600

  • +75% income from commerce
  • +20% trade influence
  • -10% agriculture building construction cost reduction

TW3K Dock Market Depot

Dock Market Depot

Dock Market Depot (level 3)[]

A stringent eye monitors the comings and goings of sea trade. As trade increases, and more and more merchants sell and trade goods at the dock market, a new measure of organisation is needed. A depot contains a merchant registry office, where local and external merchants must register before trading. This allows trade to be monitored more closely to ensure no illegal trading is taking place, but also allows officials to track the success of trade so that they can administer appropriately.

Upkeep: 40

Cost: 2100

  • +100% income from commerce
  • +30% trade influence
  • -10% agriculture building construction cost reduction

TW3K Dock Warehouse

Dock Warehouse

Dock Warehouse (level 4A)[]

A warehouse provides the means of direct selling. This district encourages a type of person who is always looking for new business opportunities. An entrepreneur has realised that by providing warehouses, merchants can bring in more goods to sell, and store them near the market, rather than having to carefully select which items to bring and transport them. It means customers do not necessarily need to place orders beforehand, as the warehouse should have everything in stock.

Upkeep: 50

Cost: 2650

  • +125% income from commerce
  • +40% trade influence
  • -10% agriculture building construction cost reduction

Requires Reform: Market Administration

Provides Resource: Entrepreneurs

TW3K Port Trading Association

Port Trading Association

Port Trading Association (level 5A)[]

Trade does not exist in a vacuum, and it is in everyone’s interests to establish good practices. Competition in all things is healthy, but trade requires some co-operation between rival merchants to truly prosper. A trading association establishes a support framework for merchants to protect all members through regulations. Where two separate businesses may rely on an exchange of goods, they can come to an agreement to provide items at a discount in the interest of good relations and long-term, mutual profit. Such arrangements, having more organised and transparent working practices, are more acceptable to the government, reducing their need to interfere.

Upkeep: 60

Cost: 3200

  • +150% income from commerce
  • +50% trade influence
  • -15% agriculture building construction cost reduction

Requires Reform: Economic Stimulation

Provides Resource: Entrepreneurs

TW3K Port Officer

Port Officer

Port Officer (level 4B)[]

An officer to oversee traffic into and out of the port. A port officer, trained in local statutes and ordnances, oversees business undertakings at the port and makes reports on unlawful or suspicious dealings. As ports naturally see a large volume of strangers coming and going, all sorts of unsavoury characters may arrive to cause trouble. However, conversely, a port officer can act as a point of contact for friendly espionage agents, helping them establish cover with aliases and adding their names to the merchant register to provide cover for them.

Upkeep: 40

Cost: 2350

  • +125% income from commerce
  • +30% trade influence
  • +2 undercover network cost for enemy spies
  • -10% agriculture building construction cost reduction

Requires Reform: Masterful Disguise Techniques

Provides Resource: Entrepreneurs

TW3K Port Inspector

Port Inspector

Port Inspector (level 5B)[]

Business flourishes through co-operation. A port inspector has greater powers of authority than a port officer, and with them, the construction of a bell and drum tower. The drum and bell tower, literally a giant bell and drums suspended in a tower, give the time to citizens, but are also used to sound an alarm in the case of attack by foreign agents or intruders. The port inspector oversees this and responds accordingly, granting a greater level of security so the business of trade can continue uninterrupted.

Upkeep: 40

Cost: 2350

  • +150% income from commerce
  • +30% trade influence
  • +4 undercover network cost for enemy spies
  • -15% agriculture building construction cost reduction

Requires Reform: Dedicated Spy Network

Provides Resource: Entrepreneurs
