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Menelaus' Sworn Fighters is a faction unique building belonging to Sparta, in a Total War Saga: Troy, which can be built exclusively in province capitals.


Although his best days on the battlefield were already behind him at the start of the Trojan War, the mighty warrior still inspired awe and fear. Menelaus favoured power over cunning in the manner of his peerless Spartan warriors, clad in heavy armour and wielding a great spear. According to the Iliad, he overpowered Paris himself in single combat only to be denied his bloody vengeance when the goddess Aphrodite intervened in the Trojan prince's favour.

Menelaus' Sworn Fighters (tier 5)[]

Built on an empty slot. Requires a tier 5 province capital.

Building Construction Cost Remark Effect
TROY bld s elite bonus 3170 wood
1050 stone
260 gold
Sparta's reputation walks before it; there aren't many who would pass up an opportunity to stand with such a great military power. +5 faction elite unit recruit rank
+2 to armour-piercing damage of Light Spear Runners and Renowned Laconian Axemen
-2% to upkeep cost of Light Spear Runners and Renowned Laconian Axemen