Total War Wiki
TW3K Mercenary Encampment

Mercenary Encampment

Mercenary Outpost is a building chain in Total War: Three Kingdoms that can only be constructed by Sun Jian or Sun Ce. It is an entirely new building, not replacing any of the non-unique ones. It provides a large income bonus, unit replenishment, Mercenary Captain units (Infantry, Archers, Cavalry) and reduces the cost of mercenary units overall. It also provides a discount to the construction of Learning and Market buildings.

Building Chain[]

Merchant Guard Post (level 1)[]

TW3K Merchant Guard Post

Merchant Guard Post

Tradesmen must be protected from threats. Traders and merchants are considered by some to be the lowest in China’s social order; trade is considered an exploitative of the labours of others, and a dishonourable pursuit. However, these old prejudices are quickly disappearing as China is experiencing a new successful era in trade and commerce. Land and sea routes provide trade expansion across borders, but can also be target for bandits and enemies. A merchant guard post supplies some security for tradesmen, protecting their goods and increasing profits.

Cost: 1150

Upkeep: 20

  • +10% income from commerce
  • +3% replenishment
  • Provides Mercenary Captain recruitment charges (charges update at the beginning of each turn)
  • -2% recruitment cost for captain retinues
  • Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -10%

Merchant Guard Barracks (level 2)[]

TW3K Merchant Guard Barracks

Merchant Guard Barracks

Banditry is a scourge to be supressed. Chinese jade, silk and spices are highly sought after both within and across China’s borders and tradesmen are targets for northern raiders, enemies of the state, or opportunistic bandits. A merchant guard barracks provides protection for tradesmen travelling the Silk Road and border markets. The tradesmen will feel safer, encouraging more to use the routes so that trade may flourish, safeguarding their wares, and therefore the income they bring from them into the district.

Cost: 1900

Upkeep: 30

  • +10% income from commerce
  • +3% replenishment
  • Provides Mercenary Captain recruitment charges (charges update at the beginning of each turn)
  • -2% recruitment cost for captain retinues
  • Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -10%

Mercenary Conscription Office (level 3)[]

TW3K Mercenary Conscription Office

Mercenary Conscription Office

Payment is the only bond a mercenary needs. Though many brag of their integrity and honour, loyalties are often too easily broken or tested by painful dilemmas between heart, duty and state. Sometimes the only way of securing true allegiance is with payment, rather than ideological beliefs. Dongwu mercenaries inhabit this district, and are especially accomplished in the ways of sea and river warfare. A conscription office will aid in the hiring of these mercenaries, greatly speeding up the rate at which forces can be filled with fresh bodies.

Cost: 2650

Upkeep: 50

  • +10% income from commerce
  • +3% replenishment
  • Provides Mercenary Captain recruitment charges (charges update at the beginning of each turn)
  • -2% recruitment cost for captain retinues
  • Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -10%

Mercenary Barracks (level 4)[]

TW3K Mercenary Barracks

Mercenary Barracks

Mercenaries must be trained in concert with conscripts. A mercenary barracks supplies training and housing facilities for the Dongwu. Mercenaries are not swayed by changes of heart, moral dilemmas or conflicting loyalties; they known only the value of the coin and side with whoever can supply it to them. The training requires entrepreneurs to seek out, contact and broker deals with mercenaries – a task that requires a careful tongue, brave heart and knowledge of their customs and values, so as not to end up on the wrong side of their swords!

Cost: 3400

Upkeep: 60

  • +10% income from commerce
  • +3% replenishment
  • Provides Mercenary Captain recruitment charges (charges update at the beginning of each turn)
  • -2% recruitment cost for captain retinues
  • Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -10%

Requires Reform: Mercantile Regulation

Requires Resource: Entrepeneurs

Mercenary Encampment (level 5)[]

TW3K Mercenary Encampment

Mercenary Encampment

Keep tigers isolated until the time of battle. A mercenary encampment provides dwellings for mercenaries to rest and practice, away from your soldier’s dwellings. Though both soldiers and mercenaries take wages from the same warlord, mixing the two camps too much creates tension, as the mercenaries are considered cutthroats and barbarians. The truth is that they both need each other, and though the mercenaries are more concerned with riches and gifts than the reunification of China, they will fight shoulder to shoulder when the time comes for battle.

Cost: 4150

Upkeep: 80

  • +10% income from commerce
  • +3% replenishment
  • Provides Mercenary Captain recruitment charges (charges update at the beginning of each turn)
  • -2% recruitment cost for captain retinues
  • Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -10%

Requires Reform: Trade Associations

Requires Resource: Entrepeneurs
