Fortified Garrison
Military Infrastructure is a building chain in Total War: Three Kingdoms. Its main purpose is to provide a larger garrison to a commandery capital and to provide more public order in the local commandery. Furthermore, it gives military supplies to all adjacent commanderies and a small reduction in construction cost for Government Buildings. Depending on the upgrade branch, it can also provide debuffs for enemy armies, local reserve capacity or an experience buff for cavalry.
Building Chain[]

Patrols (level 1)[]
To relax vigilance is to invite attack. Wherever the heart dwells will always be a target for enemies. A lack of town defences is perceived as vulnerability and an invitation to attack and plunder. A basic level of security is therefore achieved by assigning the most reliable of garrisoned conscripts to regular patrols. These patrols follow a fixed route of inspections of possible breach points around the perimeter; damaged walls are reported, suspicious strangers are challenged, and the alarm is raised if a full attack is launched.
Upkeep: 20
Cost: 1200
- +2 public order
- +5 military supplies (adjacent commanderies)
- -10% government buildings construction cost reduction
Unlocks Reform: Permission to Forage

Guard Posts
Guards Posts (level 2)[]
A show of teeth can be the greatest deterrent. Undertaking lonely nightly patrols, while the rest of the town slumbers soundly, erodes the spirit and vigilance. Following the same fixed patrol night after night is monotonous, and when the mind is wearied by tedium, it will beg for change and become distracted. A guard post alleviates this attrition by providing a base for guards to reconvene or be relived after their shift. Potential threats are spotted and intercepted much earlier, and the guards can always combat their boredom by harassing trespassers.
Upkeep: 40
Cost: 2000
- +4 public order
- +10 military supplies (adjacent commanderies)
- -10% government buildings construction cost reduction

Stationed Garrison
Stationed Garrison (level 3A)[]
All subjects must be protected, even from themselves. When treasonous rumours or a new imperial statute prove unpopular among citizenry, discord spreads, prompting small uprisings in the settlement. If the stationed garrison cannot assuage the populace’s fears, they must immediately step in and quell any disputes to stop them erupting into a full rebellion. Once peace is restored, the instigators are identified and punished to act as a deterrent to future disobedience, and the garrison can resume guarding against external, rather than internal, threats.
Upkeep: 50
Cost: 2700
- +8 public order
- +12 military supplies (adjacent commanderies)
- +20 reserve capacity
- -10% government buildings construction cost reduction
- 1x Jian Infantry Captain
- 2x Sabre Infantry
- 2x Lance Cavalry
- 2x Archers

Police Headquarters
Police Headquarters (level 4A)[]
Reward can be a surer bond than loyalty. A settlement’s defences must always be ready to repel enemy attack. Bolstering the guard and raising the alarm when the enemy is already at the gates is of little use, especially as a besiegement rapidly narrows one’s options for aid and supplies. A headquarters from which to organise supplies ensures that if the enemy do attack there are enough resources to hold them off while counter-measures are planned.
Upkeep: 80
Cost: 4000
- +10 public order
- +20 military supplies (adjacent commanderies)
- +40 reserve capacity
- -10% government buildings construction cost reduction
- 1x Jian Infantry Captain
- 2x Sabre Infantry
- 2x Lance Cavalry
- 2x Archers
Requires Reform: Supply Canals

Fortified Garrison
Fortified Garrison (level 5A)[]
A store of supplies eliminates a potential weakness. Part of the enemy’s arsenal is the advantage of surprise; when besieging a settlement, they hope to cut off their target from aid, gradually weakening them or forcing them into a losing battle. A fortified garrison holds military supplies, such as armour, ammunition and weapons and a plentiful stock of food and medicines in case of emergency. Regular tallies are kept, ensuring the stock remains always full and meaning that the settlement can hold out longer when besieged.
Upkeep: 120
Cost: 5500
- +12 public order
- +30 military supplies (adjacent commanderies)
- +60 reserve capacity
- -15% government buildings construction cost reduction
- 1x Jian Infantry Captain
- 1x Sabre Infantry
- 2x Axe Band
- 1x Lance Cavalry
- 2x Archers
Requires Reform: Strategic Fortresses

Patrol Barracks
Patrol Barracks (level 3B)[]
Rest and renewal restores vigilance. The menace of enemy attack or subterfuge is ever present, and utmost diligence must be maintained to ward off threats. Regular patrols diminish surprise attacks, but even the most steadfast and observant guard’s attention will waver over long periods, and it only takes a moment for a devastating blow to land. A patrol barracks shelters guards from the elements, so that each one can arrive on duty fully refreshed. The barracks are a clear sign of authority in the town, and encourages citizens to obey its laws.
Upkeep: 30
Cost: 1800
- +6 public order
- +15 military supplies (adjacent commanderies)
- -5 military supplies (local enemy armies)
- -10% government buildings construction cost reduction
- 1x Jian Infantry Captain
- 2x Sabre Infantry
- 2x Lance Cavalry
- 2x Archers

Watchtower Garrisons
Watchtower Garrisons (level 4B)[]
A fixed sentinel spots threats on the horizon. Watchtowers extend the view over the district, so that enemy incursions are sighted as early as possible. Garrison conscripts man the watchtowers, surveying the land for the movement of bands of encroaching enemies. If such a threat is spotted, the guards signal along the line to the main force, and if needed, fend off attacks by harassing enemies with bows and spears. The watchtower is visible to all in the town, and its looming presence deters any dissidents from stirring up trouble under its watchful eye.
Upkeep: 40
Cost: 2200
- +8 public order
- +25 military supplies (adjacent commanderies)
- -5 military supplies (local enemy armies)
- -10% government buildings construction cost reduction
- 1x Jian Infantry Captain
- 2x Sabre Infantry
- 2x Lance Cavalry
- 2x Archers
Requires Reform: Supply Canals

Strategic Fortress
Strategic Fortress (level 5B)[]
A fortress guards against enemies and enforces the law. The imposing silhouette of a strategic fortress on the horizon of this district gives enemies pause before thinking of launching an attack on its gates. Should an attack be attempted, the extensive view provided along its battlements enables guards to pepper attackers with projectiles from defensible positions. The fortress is a physical representation of the might and architectural prowess of the district, reassuring loyal citizens of their security, and warning troublemakers from disturbing the peace within.
Upkeep: 60
Cost: 3100
- +10 public order
- +40 military supplies (adjacent commanderies)
- -10 military supplies (local enemy armies)
- -15% government buildings construction cost reduction
- 1x Jian Infantry Captain
- 1x Sabre Infantry
- 2x Axe Band
- 1x Lance Cavalry
- 2x Archers
Requires Reform: Strategic Fortresses

White Horse Fellows Raiding Parties
White Horse Fellows Riding Parties (level 5C)[]
Strike fear into the enemy to ward off attacks. The finest war horses can be bought from the northern tribes in this territory. White Horse Fellows harass intruders in brutal raiding parties, where horses of purest white are selected to strike fear into the superstitious hearts of the enemy. The swift, powerful beasts burst out of the darkness, luminous against the moon and resembling spectral wraiths, and scatter the cowards before a weapon is even drawn. These punishments wear on the nerves of trespassers, exacerbated with each night they remain in camp.
Upkeep: 80
Cost: 4100
- +10 public order
- +1 starting rank for cavalry recruits (commandery-wide)
- +40 military supplies (adjacent commanderies)
- -20 military supplies (local enemy armies)
- -15% government buildings construction cost reduction
- 1x Jian Infantry Captain
- 1x Sabre Infantry
- 2x Axe Band
- 1x Lance Cavalry
- 2x Archers
Requires Reform: Swiftness is the Key
Requires Resource: Horses
General Information[]
The buffs to military supplies and the large garrison military infrastructures spawn make them good buildings in commanderies that often find themselves threatened by enemy armies. However, provinces that aren't likely to be invaded do not benefit much from military infrastructure. The Confucian temple building chain provides more public order and are cheaper to build, and so are superior for provinces that are far from the front lines if more public order is needed.