Total War Wiki

For other uses of the term, see Military Port.

Military Port FOTS

The Military Port is a type of port building in Fall of the Samurai.


Honour at sea requires hard work ashore.

A military port is a specialised facility that supports naval operations. It can handle shipbuilding activities and create a naval force, but the port is substantial enough to allow a good deal of trade, helping commercial life in the province as a result. It is also provided with some coastal defences.

Shortly after the Boshin War, the Meiji government chose Sasebo near Nagasaki as the site for a major naval base. Nagasaki itself had long been an important port and, in the later years of the 19th Century, became home to heavy shipbuilding yards. Sasebo proved its worth during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-5, when it was a coaling station and the nearest repair base to the front lines. Sasebo and its arsenal, along with Nagasaki and its yards, remained vital to the Imperial Japanese Navy until the end of the Second World War.

General Information[]

Requires 4200 koku, Port, Copper Plating technology, 8 turns. Can be upgraded to Drydock.

  • Improves export capacity (increases trade values) by +160
  • +2 per turn to town growth from trade within this province
  • +1 to possible trade routes (sea)
  • Recruitment capacity (ship under construction): +2
  • Coastal defences will be disabled once the port's health falls to 50%
  • Coastal defence range: 10
  • Coastal defence level: 2
  • Enables recruitment of Rank 1 Foreign Veteran

Military ports unlock the copper-hulled variants of ships, which are much more durable in battle. They are best built in coal-specialty provinces to save money on building ships.  Military ports and their upgrades deal heavy attrition damage to enemy ships that come too close. This attrition is disabled when the ports are sufficiently damaged via bombardment, raiding, or sabotage. Building military ports can help reduce the areas enemy factions risk bombardment, though it is not a fail-safe solution as naval bombardment range is longer than coastal attrition range.

Military ports are best built in regions with coal, to capitalize on the cheaper ship costs, though this is a luxury for most factions as coal-rich provinces are sparse and located at the edges of the map.

Fall of the Samurai Buildings
Town Buildings Settlement: TownLarge TownCityMunicipalityPrefecture Castle: StrongholdFortressCastleCitadelStar Fort Business: InnGambling DenRichi Mahjong ParlourYakuza OfficeMarketFinancial DistrictJunin Ryogae Industrial: Cottage IndustryCotton Weaving ShedCraft WorkshopSilk Weaving ShedFactoryCotton Processing PlantSilk Manufactory Modern Military: Cadet SchoolBarracksMilitary AcademyArmy War College Propaganda: Police StationMagistrateSecret SocietyShikoyoku OfficePolice OfficeMilitary SocietyDaily NewsShinsengumi Headquarters Artillery: Cannon RangeField Artillery SchoolArtillery AcademyArsenal Traditional Military: Traditional DojoSamurai DojoMaster DojoLegendary Dojo Improvement: Training CampDrill SchoolFiring RangeGeneral Staff HeadquartersJujutsu HallMilitary Hospital Defense: Matchlock TowersGatling Gun TowersGun Batteries
Specialty Buildings Clay: ClaypitsClay KilnBrickworksPotteries Coal: Open-pit Coal FaceDeep-seam Coal MineCoking Plant Copper: Open-pit Copper MineCopper RefineryAnode FurnaceSmelting Mill Gold: Placer DepositsGoldfieldsMintOre Processing Plant Holy Site: Buddhist ShrineBuddhist TempleBuddhist Temple Complex Iron: Iron Ore MineDeep-seam Iron MineIron Smelting PlantSteel Mill Railway: Telegraph OfficeRailway StationNational Railway Company Silk: Worm FarmRaw Silk ThreadmakerSericulturist Silver: Lead Ore MineSilver Smelting PlantProofing HouseSilver Vault Smith: BlacksmithIron WorksArmourerGunsmith Smuggling: Smugglers' CoveCriminal DenYakuza Hideout Tea: Tea PlantationMatcha PlantTea Exporter
Other buildings Farm: Subsistence FarmingTenant FieldsCommercial FarmingZaibatsu Fields Port: HarbourPortMilitary PortDrydockTrading PortAmerican Trading DistrictBritish Trading DistrictFrench Trading District