Total War Wiki

For other uses of the term, see Militia.

Militia Unit Card

Militia are a type of militia in Napoleon: Total War and The Peninsular Campaign.


Militia are often poorly equipped and trained, but are ideal for maintaining public order.

Men in the militia rarely expect to be sent into battle. It is their lot to act as reserves, or local law enforcers. As a result, if they do find themselves on a battlefield, they should be expected to run away, and not handle their weaponry with any great proficiency. Militia may appear useless, then, but they are cheap to maintain and as plentiful as any bureaucrat could want.

In 1806, despite previous unfortunate experiences with disgruntled peasants, the Russian state recruited 600,000 serfs into the “opelchenie”, a militia. Training was basic, and weaponry similarly simple: the opelchenie were given pikes. After the French invasion of 1812 the opelchenie was no longer limited to serfs, and another 200,000 recruits joined in a national wave of patriotism. Some of this new cohort of serfs brought their own pitchforks and shovels as weapons.

General Information[]

Militia are the standard militia type unit available to most factions: cheap, quickly trained infantry that are poor at fighting but are useful garrisoning units owing to their low cost and upkeep and also their garrisoning bonus. Among the major, playable factions in the campaigns, the only faction that trains this unit is France; those factions that don't have militia all have a similar equivalent, however.

For more information, see Militia (Unit Type).

Portugal has superior militia when compared to most other factions in terms of ranged combat, but are more expensive. Differences are listed below (identical stats are not shown). In The Peninsular Campaign, Great Britain have access to units named Portuguese Militia, which are statistically and visually identical to militia fielded by Portugal.

Faction Accuracy Reload Melee Charge Defence Morale Cost Upkeep
General 30 15 4 9 4 3 340 SP/380 MP 80
Portugal 35 25 4 9 4 3 380 SP/400 MP 90


The Militia have different uniforms, depending on the campaign.

Napoleon: Total War Infantry
Line Infantry 18th Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne "The Brave"1st Regiment Emperor's Own47th (Czech) Regiment88th Foot "Connaught Rangers"Archduke Charles' LegionBeylik Janissary MusketeersBrunswick Line InfantryFootFusiliers (Line Infantry)Fusiliers of LineGerman FusiliersHighland FootHungarian FusiliersInfantryKings German Legion FootLine InfantryMoscow MusketeersMusketeersNizam-I Cedit InfantryPolish LegionProvincial Nizam-I CeditRevolutionary InfantrySwiss FootVoluntarios de la CoruñaVoluntarios de la Cruzada del Tietar
Militia FenciblesLandwehrLibyan BedouinMilitiaMilitiamenNational GuardOpelcheniePalestinian AuxiliariesPeasant LevyProvincial Militia
Grenadiers 1st East Prussian Grenadier BattalionBeylik Janissary GrenadiersGerman GrenadiersGrenadiersGrenadiers of the LineHungarian GrenadiersPavlovsk Grenadiers
Irregulars & Light Infantry 17th Jäger Regiment6th Regiment d’Infanterie LégèreAzzarsCazadoresCazadores de CataluñaCazardores Francos NumantinosChasseursDutch FlanquersFusiliers (Light Infantry)GuerillasGuerrilla CazadoresGrenzersKings German Legion Light FootLight FootLight InfantryLombardy-Cisapline LegionNizam-I Cedit Light InfantryPrussian FusiliersRegimento de ArlanzaRussian Jägers
Skirmishers 95th FootContra-GuerrillasCorso Terrestre de NavarraGuerrilla TiradoresJägersLandesschutzenNassau JägersNizam-I Cedit RiflesNorwegian Ski TroopsRiflesSharpshootersSilesian SchuetzenTiradoresTiradores de CantabriaVoltiguersWindbüchse Jägers
Elite Infantry 42nd Foot (The Black Watch)8th Life RegimentColdstream GuardsDutch GrenadiersFoot GuardsGrenadier GuardsGuard SeamenGuardias de InfanteriaLife Guards of FootLife RegimentLifeguard FootOld GuardRepublican GuardsSemenovski LifeguardVelite GrenadiersWalloon GuardsYoung Guard
Melee Infantry Bashi-BazouksCemaat Janissaries
Mobs Armed CitizenryArmed PopulaceFirelock Armed Populace
Mounted Infantry 10th HussarsCazadores Voluntarios de MadridDragoon GuardsDragoonsEmpress DragoonsKings German Legion DragoonsKings German Legion Light DragoonsLight DragoonsMounted CazadoresMounted JagersMounted Nizam-I CeditMounted RiflesRoyal Scots Greys