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Total War Wiki

Minor Religions is a religion in Total War: Attila.


In the ancient world, all manner of religious sects and cults existed alongside – or maybe beneath – the official state religions. Although they have undoubtedly existed since the beginning of civilisation, the word ‘cult’ is derived from something the Roman orator Cicero said, defining ‘religio’ as ‘cultus deorum’, literally ‘the cultivation of the gods’, i.e. – the necessary rituals and libations to ‘maintain’ a god, to tend and keep it ‘alive’ through worship. Many cults flourished under the surface of Roman society, including the worship of ‘Mithras’, a predominantly military cult worshipped in secret, underground spaces. The ‘Mithraic Mysteries’ remain largely mysterious to this day, as only the ‘Tauroctony’ – a scene where Mithras sits astride and slays a bull – has survived.


  • Morale: +1


This religion has no edicts


Minor Settlement[]

Tier Name Cost Public Order Sanitation Religious Influence Religious Osmosis Wealth (from culture) Resource Required Bonus
1 Shrine of a Dark Cult 10000 20 -12 6 2 800 GemstonesGemstones Gemstones Wealth: +30% from immigrationImmigration public order penalties: -30%


  • Gaetulians
  • Maurians
  • Mazun
  • Nobatia
Total War: Attila Campaign
Mechanics Campaign GameplayReligionResources
Religions Arian ChristianityEastern ChristianityGreek ChristianityLatin ChristianityJudaismManichaeismZoroastrianismGerman PaganismCeltic PaganismRoman PaganismSemitic PaganismSlavic PaganismTengrismMinor Religions
Buildings Nomadic BuildingsRoman BuildingsEastern BuildingsBarbarian Buildings
Resources DyesDyes DyesGemstonesGemstones GemstonesGoldGold GoldSaltSalt SaltSpicesSpices SpicesIronIron IronLeadLead LeadFursFurs Furs

MarbleMarble MarbleOlive OilOlive Oil Olive OilSilkSilk SilkTimberTimber TimberWineWine Wine

Other List of Provinces