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Moscow Musketeers NTW Icon

Moscow Musketeers are a regiment of line infantry in Napoleon: Total War. They are available to Russia with the Heroes of the Napoleonic Wars DLC.


The Moscow Musketeers are a versatile force of line infantry.

These troops are battle-hardened veterans, making them invaluable on the battlefield. Formed into a disciplined line, they can unleash a massed volley into an enemy then, while the enemy is reeling, follow it with a decisive bayonet charge. For all their experience, they are still vulnerable to fire from artillery or skirmish units, but they can form square to counter potentially murderous cavalry charges.

In 1812, Napoleon marched his Grand Armée into Moscow, expecting a great victory and abject surrender by Tsar Alexander I. However, the French were hit hard by starvation on the march to Moscow: the foraging that served them well in richer parts of Europe backfired in Russia’s bleak landscape, made more bleak by the Russian habit of burning everything in their path. The French were desperate to find supplies in Moscow, but the Russians continued their denial policy, stripped the city of everything moveable and burned the rest. Robbed of victory and food, the Grand Armée pulled back, and marched into a Russian winter. Napoleon left at least three-quarters of his army, frozen and starved to death, on the steppes.

General Information[]

Moscow Musketeers have generally better statistics than standard Russian Musketeers, but are correspondingly more expensive to train and maintain. Their generally solid statistics are on par with other factions' line infantry, such as Fusiliers of Line and Foot, but they have the powerful charge bonus characteristic of most Russian units.

Like all Russian units, Moscow Musketeers are resistant to cold fatigue. This makes them immune to cold attrition, and gives them a stamina advantage on snowy maps.


  • In earlier versions of the game, Moscow Musketeers could not be recruited in the Europe campaign and was only available in custom battles. This was fixed in a later patch.
Napoleon: Total War Infantry
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Mobs Armed CitizenryArmed PopulaceFirelock Armed Populace
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