Total War Wiki
Mounted Sabre Militia

The perfect anti-archer unit in the early game.

Mounted Sabre Militia is a light melee cavalry unit in Total War: Three Kingdoms. They are best when recruited in Commander and Vanguard retinues and will provide exceptional (and essential) front-of-the-line missile defense for troops to their rear.

Proper Use[]

In army engagements it is essential to draw enemy Archer fire away from your own vulnerable units, especially those with weak ranged blocking abilities, without shields or without substantial armour. Mounted Sabre Militia are the perfect counter units to Archers since they have a very high ranged block chance as well as excellent ranged damage resistance. Damage resistance means that even if hit by an arrow they may not be seriously damaged. Keep these units facing directly toward archer fire in loose formation and they will soak up arrows with minimal losses. Once the enemy archers have depleted their arrows, press on with your attack or counterattack.

It is always best to avoid frontal charges on enemy spear units as they are they will decimate these mounted units.

Commander characters with the Nobility Skill will automatically buff Mounted Sabre Militia units' already excellent Ranged Block Chance (85%) and shield stats (+5% armour) by +20% Ranged Block Chance. This is a principle reason to recruit these earth class units in Commander Retinues whenever possible.

  • Type: Light Sword (Melee) Cavalry
  • Base cost to recruit: 550
  • Base unit upkeep: 130


TW3K Mounted Sabre Militia in-game

In-game (vanilla units)

As with other militia units, Mounted Sabre Militia are typically raised for short campaigns or emergency defense. As a result, they receive less weapon training than units specifically intended for heavy and continued use on the battlefield. As militia, they also lack thick and highly protective amour, and are outfitted in partial-leather garments paired with cheap, but durable, lightweight rattan or wicker shields.

These Mounted Sabre units carry Zhibeidao swords: reliable, long, straight-bladed weapons that are easily mastered. These weapons are highly effective at wounding or killing enemies by swiping and slicing at enemies below, especially those that are lightly armored. They lack the powerful charge of lance-wielding shock cavalry but are sufficiently protected to briefly engage in melee attacks on archers and other non-spear wielding troops.
