Total War Wiki
Naples & Sicily

Naples & Sicily are a minor faction in Empire: Total War. It is an emergent nation in the Grand Campaign, while it is already established at the beginning of the fourth episode of the Road to Independence.

General Information[]

Naples & Sicily emerges if a rebellion is successful in its identically-named region, or if a non-European faction controlling the region is eliminated. The region that this faction spawns in is very wealthy, but as it is a minor region, its initial access to troops is limited.

Unit Roster[]

Naples & Sicily have access to essentially the standard European Roster, with added access to Heavy Cavalry and Carabineers.

Empire: Total War Factions
Major Factions AustriaFranceGreat BritainMaratha ConfederacyMughal EmpireOttoman EmpirePoland-LithuaniaPrussiaRussiaSpainSwedenUnited ProvincesUnited States
Minor Factions AfghanistanBarbary StatesBavariaCherokee NationsCourlandCrimean KhanateDagestanDenmarkGenoaGeorgiaGran ColombiaGreeceHannoverHessenHungaryHuron ConfederacyInuit NationsIrelandIroquois ConfederacyItalian StatesKnights of St. JohnLouisianaMamelukesMexicoMoroccoMysoreNaples & SicilyNew SpainNorwayPersiaPiratesPlains NationsPortugalPueblo NationsPunjabQuebecSavoySaxonyScotlandThirteen ColoniesVeniceWestphaliaWürttemberg
Other Factions Powhatan ConfederacyVirginia Colonists
Unused Factions Khanate of KhivaTuscanyMecklenburgSchleswig-HolsteinSwiss Confederation