Native Warrior Auxiliary are a type of melee infantry in Empire: Total War.
These tribal warriors are willing to fight for foreign invaders, as it gives them a chance for glory and fame.
These tribal warriors are willing to fight for foreign invaders, as it gives them a chance for glory and fame. No true warrior willingly runs from a fight. A man’s worth in tribal society is often measured by his skill as a warrior and war leader. Fighting for the Europeans gives a man many chances to go into battle, earn honour and gain in skill and reputation. The chance to fight traditional tribal enemies is also welcome.
Historically, European settlers had few qualms about exploiting the warlike nature of some native peoples of the New World. It was far better to have a “noble savage” at your side than facing you in battle.
General Information[]
Native Warrior Auxiliaries are good melee troops that can only be recruited in the Americas. Especially in the early game, where bayonet technologies are lacking, these troops can help shore up the weaknesses of more conventional units. Native Warrior Auxiliaries tend to lose potency in the mid to late game, where artillery, bayonets, and skirmishers all work to reduce their effectiveness.