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The Obama domain is a faction in Fall of the Samurai.


The Overseers

The Sakai clan, the rulers of Obama, are firm supporters of the Shogunate. The original Sakai lord of the domain, Sakai Tadakatsu, was one of the roju, or elders, under Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first Shogun. This was a hugely important post in the affairs of Japan, and Tadakatsu was correspondingly powerful within the Shogunate’s administration. The Sakai clan could also claim to be related to the Minamoto clan, and to be cousins of both the Tokugawa and the Matsudaira clans. They are, then, very well connected. Their domain is worthy of them. The town of Obama had been a prosperous trading port, but its importance declined as Japan closed itself off from the outside world. It remained an important link to Ezo, modern Hokkaido.

Because of their long experience of government and administration, they are experts at managing the population of their lands. They receive a taxation bonus, and are highly efficient at repression. They also spend money wisely, and they pay less upkeep for land units. All their garrison troops are also of high quality.

General Information[]

  • Vigilance (+2 to the experience of defending garrison units)
  • Authority (+2 to repression across all provinces)
  • Logistics (-10% to the upkeep cost of all land units)
  • Overseeing (+5% increase in tax income)

The Obama start in a fairly difficult position, near the center of Honshu island. This means that it is usually impossible to secure any side of their territories before Realm Divide, and they have to devote troops to many borders. Offsetting this precarious position is their list of excellent traits, with increased repression, decreased upkeep costs, and increased tax income all helping their economy. Another advantage the Obama initially have is the larger amount of generals they field at the beginning of the campaign.

The Obama begin the campaign bordering several factions, including Miyazu, Sasayama, Yodo, Hikome, and Fukui. Fortunately for the Obama, it is allied with Miyazu to the west and at war with only Fukui to the east. Echizen province is a very valuable province to obtain in the early game thanks to its clay resource, and beyond Echizen lies several wealthy and/or useful provinces. To the south also lies good expansion paths, though it is a more dangerous direction for the Obama to expand as it exposes the Obama to many more clans.

Victory Conditions[]

Short Campaign[]

Capture and hold 14 provinces. In addition, ensure at least 35 provinces are held by forces loyal to the Shogun, including the following: Musashi, Yamashiro

Complete by the end of your turn in: Late December 1870

Long Campaign[]

Capture and hold 26 provinces. In addition, ensure at least 50 provinces are held by forces loyal to the Shogun, including the following: Musashi, Yamashiro

Complete by the end of your turn in: Late December 1876

Domination Campaign[]

Capture and hold 38 provinces. In addition, ensure at least 65 provinces are held by forces loyal to the Shogun, including the following: Musashi, Yamashiro

Complete by the end of your turn in: Late December 1876
