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Onager are a type of siege cavalry in Total War: Attila.


"Load. Aim. Fire. Hope for the best."

One of the simplest forms of one-armed catapult, the onager relied on twisted skeins of animal sinew which provided the power to hurl either rocks or shot. Inaccurate but powerful, it was an effective siege machine against buildings and fortifications, but was of far less use on the battlefield unless firing into massed infantry ranks. First mentioned by Philon of Byzantium in his treatise on ‘Mechanics’, the onager made use of a sling-like cradle attached to a firing arm. This arm was inserted, twisted, and propelled rocks or shot through torsion. As the firing arm was released, the sling-like cradle would unhook, firing the projectile. A padded beam was incorporated into the housing frame to restrain the arm. Larger machines could require as many as eight or ten crewmen, and the incredible recoil meant that they could not be easily or safely mounted on walls or towers. Quickly constructed wherever wood was readily available, onagers soon became a staple of ancient siege warfare.

Strength and Weaknesses[]

  • Excellent Speed
  • Good Missile Damage
  • Poor Rate of Fire

Base Stats[]

Number of Men: 40
Morale: 26
Bonus HP: 5
Melee Attack: 7
Melee Defense: 2
Charge Bonus: 2
Reload: 15
Ammunition: 9
Very Light Infantry
Hit Points: 75
Mass: 70
Walk Speed: 16
Run Speed: 40
Charge Speed: 55
Charge Distance: 35

Weapons and Gear[]

Melee Weapon
Damage: 5
Armour Penetration Damage: 1
Bonus vs Infantry: 0
Bonus vs Cavalry: 0
Bonus vs Elephants: 0
Building damage: 0.033
Armour: 3
Hit Points: 125
Mass: 5000
Can Move: Yes
Walk Speed: 15
Normal Shot Fire Shot
Damage: 100 175
Armour Penetration Damage: 100 175
Base Reload Time: 34 51
Range: 350 350
Bonus vs Infantry: 0 0
Bonus vs Cavalry: 0 0
Bonus vs Elephants: 0 0
Special Effects: Fire Projectiles (Contact): -4 Morale (12s)
Explosion Damage: 0 300
Explosion Radius: 0 8


Ability Attila Barrage Barrage
Target: Self Initial Recharge: 0
Active Time: 30 Recharge Time: 210
Loose projectiles more frequently for an extended period of time.
Quick Reload (30s):
+50% Rate of Fire
Freeze Fatigue
Fatigue (1s):
+100% Fatigue


Ability Attila Cannot Run Cannot Run
This unit cannot run and will only move at walking pace.
Total War: Attila Eastern Units
Melee Infantry Dailamite WarriorsElite Dailamite InfantryNaft ThrowersPersian BrigadeSogdian Warriors
Spear Infantry Armenian SpearsElite ImmortalsImmortalsPaighan BandPersian Levy
Missile Infantry Armenian SlingersKurdish ArchersKurdish JavelinmenPersian BowmenPersian BowsPersian HurlersPersian SkirmishersRoyal Persian Archers
Melee Cavalry Camel ClibanariiLakhmid ScoutsPersian Camel RaidersPersian Mounted WarriorsPersian NoblesPersian ScoutsSavaran SardarSogdian Camel RaidersSpahbed
Shock Cavaly Grivpanvar CataphractsGyan-AvsparPersian CataphractsPushtighban CataphractsSavaran Cataphracts
Missile Cavalry Elite Savaran CavalryPersian Camel ArchersPersian Mounted BowmenSavaran CavalryZhayedan Immortal Cavalry
Elephants Armoured Indian ElephantsIndian Elephants
Siege Artillery OnagerBastion OnagerLarge OnagerSassanid Large Onager
Total War: Attila Desert Units
Melee Infantry Desert Legionary DefectorsDesert Palatina DefectorsDesert TribesmenAfar RaidmastersAfar Swordsmenal-RahrainAthar’s ChosenBaltha DefendersBaltha WarriorsBeher’s ChosenKhahyahlimNoble al-RahrainRebellion MilitiaSahnegohrimSana’iSpice GuardSpice WarriorsTanukhid AmbushersZafar SentinelsZealot SicariusKushite ShotelaiHetaireia Guards
Spear Infantry Amazigh SpearmenDesert LevyDesert SpearsElite T'or WarriorsMäsqäl SpearmenRas GuardSons of the Invincible MahremT'or WarriorsShawia Guard
Pike Infantry Desert PikesTanukhid Pikes
Missile Infantry Desert BowmenDesert HurlersElite Nubian ArchersAdana MarksmenAdana TrackersAshumBadiya SkirmishersMärz ArchersRumha SkirmishersRumha WarriorsGaramantian HuntersArmenian SlingersKurdish Archers
Melee Cavalry Amazigh RaidersArabic HorsemenArmoured Camel WarriorsCamel WarriorsDesert ChieftainDesert RaidersDesert WarlordAbuna’s GuardAfar Camel Ridersal-Dawseral-ShahbaArmoured Himyarite ShotelaiBet Giorgis CavalryHimyarite ShotelaiJamal al-BalthaKing's RadifKushite Mounted ShotelaiTuareg Camel SpearmenLakhmid Scouts
Shock Cavaly Amazigh LancersCamel LancersAlmaqah’s LancersDune LancersMavia's BodyguardsMavia’s ChargersMavia’s ChosenMavia’s LancersSandstorm LancersWada’iGaramantian LancersLancers of the OasisClibanarii
Missile Cavalry Desert Mounted JavelinmenDesert Mounted SkirmishersJamal al-RumhaMounted März ArchersZodiac ArchersNoble Numidian Cavalry
Siege Artillery OnagerBastion Onager
Total War: Attila Roman Units
Melee Infantry Armigeri DefensoresCohorsEastern Armoured LegioElite PalatinaExploratoresHerculiani SenioresHetaireia GuardsLegioLegio ComitatensesNumeroiPalatinaPalatina GuardsPraeventoresProtectores Domestici
Spear Infantry Comitatensis SpearsCornuti SenioresEastern Auxilia PalatinaFoederati SpearsLanciarii SenioresLimitanei BorderguardsWestern Auxilia Palatina
Pike Infantry Menaulatoi
Missile Infantry Armoured SagittariiBallistariiElite BallistariiExculcatoresFunditoresLevis ArmaturaeMatiariiNoble Foederati JavelinmenRavenna Elite BallistariiSagittarii
Melee Cavalry ComesEquites DalmataeEquites PromotiExcubitores Cavalry GuardMagister MilitumScholae PalatinaeScout EquitesTagmata Cavalry
Shock Cavaly CatafractariiClibanariiContariiScholae Gentiles
Missile Cavalry Equites SagittariiImperial Dromedarii
Siege Artillery OnagerBastion OnagerLarge Onager
Field Artillery Cheiroballistra
Total War: Attila Nomadic Units
Melee Infantry Sogdian WarriorsBosphoran InfantryBosphoran WarriorsChosen Uar WarriorsHunnic Dismounted WarbandSteppe TribespeopleSteppe WarriorsUar WarriorsGuardians of the Hindu KushKhingilas KhandasXionite SpearsYanda Spearmasters
Spear Infantry Hunnic SpearsScirii WarriorsSteppe LevySteppe Spearmen
Missile Infantry Steppe BowsSteppe Shield ArchersUar Archers
Melee Cavalry Sogdian Camel RaidersHunnic Devil CavalryHunnic HorsemenHunnic Mounted WarbandNoble Acatziri RaidersNokkorsShamans of the Eternal SkySteppe ChieftainSteppe Mounted BrigandsSteppe Mounted TribespeopleSteppe RaidersSteppe WarlordHephthalite ChargersKindred of the Sun
Shock Cavaly Elite Hunnic LancersFirst Wave LancersHunnic LancersNoble Steppe CataphractsSteppe CataphractsSteppe Lancers
Missile Cavalry Avar HordeHunnic AmbushersHunnic Devil ArchersHunnic Horse ArchersHunnic Mounted BowsHunnic WarlordNoble Horse ArchersSteppe Horse ArchersSteppe Mounted BowsUnnigardeSpet Xyon Archers
Elephants Indian Elephants
Siege Artillery OnagerLarge Onager
Total War: Attila Germanic Units
Melee Infantry Alani SwordsmenAlani WarriorsSarmatian BandAgathyrsi WarriorsAxe HeerbannBagaudaeBejewelled RetinueBurgundian AxemenBurgundian GuardBurgundian WarhoundsElite Agathyrsi WarriorsElite Sword HeerbannFrancisca HeerbannFreemenGermanic BandGermanic NoblesGermanic WarbandGodan's ChosenGodan's WarlordGodansmenGothic FalxmenGothic Palatina DefectorsGothic WarbandHorse SlayersHorse Hewers Bejewelled NoblesLangobard ClubmenNoble Germanic SwordsmenNoble Suebi SwordsmenProtectores DefectorsRedoubtable ChieftainRoyal AnstrutionesSarmatian WarbandScaled ClubmenSuebi ChampionsSuebi WarriorsSword HeerbannThracian OathswornsThracian WarriorsVandal BerserkersYoung Wolves
Spear Infantry Alamannic ScavengersAlani SpearmenElite Alamannic ScavengersGermanic LevyGermanic Spear MastersGermanic SpearmenSarmatian SpearsScavenger MobSuebi Oath Takers
Pike Infantry Elite Ostrogothic PikemenGermanic PikesGothic LevyGothic Pikemen
Missile Infantry Barbed JavelinmenBarbed SkirmishersElite Germanic ArchersElite Scattershot SlingersFrankish SkirmishersGermanic ArchersGermanic BowsGermanic BrigandsGermanic CrossbowmenGermanic HuntersGermanic HurlersGothic ArchersScattershot HurlersVisigothic Slingers
Melee Cavalry Alani Cavalry WarriorsAlani Mounted TribesmenAlani Mounted VeteransAlani Heavy CataphractsAlani HorsemenBurgundian Mounted AxemenChnodomar's EntourageChosen Vandal RaidersElite Agathyrsi CavalryFrankish GeneralGermanic HorsemenGermanic Mounted WarbandGothic GeneralNoble Alani CavalryNoble Germanic HorsemenRoyal SaionesSuebi NoblesTaifali CavalryVandal RaidersVandal Warlord
Shock Cavaly Alani NoblesSarmatian Shock CavalrySarmatian Heavy CavalrySarmatian Cataphract LancersAlani GeneralAntrustriones Cavalry GuardBarbed LancersElite Sarmatian CataphractsFrankish LancersGermanic LancersGothic LancersLight Moorish CavalryNoble Gothic LancersRoyal Burgundian GeneralRoyal LancersRoyal Suebi CavalrySacra FranciscaSalian Frankish LancersSarmatian Cataphracts
Missile Cavalry Cavalry RaidersAlani Chosen RaidersAlani Horse ArchersAlani Mounted BowsMounted Sword RaidersChnodomar's RaidersGardingi CavalryGermanic Mounted BrigandsGermanic Night RaidersGermanic RaidersGrey-HairsSarmatian Cataphract ArchersSarmatian Mounted Skirmishers
Siege Artillery OnagerBastion OnagerLarge Onager
Field Artillery Captured Cheiroballistra
Total War: Attila Norse Units
Melee Infantry Chieftain with GedrihtChosen WarriorsElite Nordic WarriorsGesithasHearth GuardHirdmenHuscarlsNordic Axe WarbandNordic Axe WarriorsNordic BandNordic BrigadeNordic Raid LeaderNordic WarlordNordic WarriorsNorse BerserkersRoyal HuscarlsViking CaptainViking RaidersWarhoundsWolf Coats
Spear Infantry Elite Duguth SpearmenElite Nordic SpearmenNordic LevyNordic Spear MastersNordic SpearmenSaxon SpearsThrall SpearmenThrall Spears
Pike Infantry Nordic Pikemen
Missile Infantry Elite Saxon JavelinmenGeoguth JavelinmenNordic BowsNordic BrigandsNordic HurlersNordic JavelinmenNordic SkirmishersThrall Skirmishers
Melee Cavalry Heroic CavalryNordic Horse LordsNordic Horse RaidersNordic Mounted RaidersSaxon Mounted WarbandViking Raider Cavalry
Shock Cavaly Saxon Lancers
Missile Cavalry Nordic Raiders
Siege Artillery OnagerBastion OnagerLarge Onager
Total War: Attila Slavic Units
Melee Infantry Slavic AmbushersSlavic Axe LevySlavic Axe WarriorsSlavic AxemenSlavic ChampionsFollowers of VelesHorse ButchersHorse CuttersPerun's AxesPerun's ChampionsVeles' ChosenWarlord's GuardSlavic Warriors
Spear Infantry Chosen ShieldsSlavic Large ShieldsSlavic Levy SpearmenSlavic Noble SpearmenSlavic Spearmen
Missile Infantry Slavic ArchersSlavic HuntersSlavic Levy ArchersSlavic Levy SkirmishersSlavic Noble SkirmishersPoison ArchersPoison HuntersSlavic Skirmishers
Missile Cavalry Slavic Horse RaidersSlavic RaidersSvarog's Raiders
Siege Artillery OnagerBastion Onager