The Open-pit Coal Face is a type of coal mining chain building in Fall of the Samurai.
Skies are darkened as tomorrow takes root.
The province has coal deposits which can be exploited in place of charcoal for industry. With proper investment, coal can be produced on a large scale. It is the only practical power source for the modern, industrial world and, in particular, steam trains.
Easy access to "King Coal" was what began the Industrial Revolution in England at the appropriately named Coalbrookdale. By 1853, coal was the root of industrial wealth in the West. With coal to burn, steam-powered machinery was practical and profitable, and iron could be smelted in great quantities. To get the same industrial results with charcoal would have stripped forests bare across the world!
General Information[]
Can be upgraded to Deep-Seam Coal Mine.
- +20 tonnes of coal
- +200 wealth
- +1 town growth
- -5% ship construction costs
Coal is a very valuable export good, and provinces with the coal resource provide a discount to the construction of ships, making them an excellent location to build advanced ports. As ships cost hundreds to thousands of gold to build, even a small discount can represent significant savings. Possessing coal, or trading with a faction that exports coal, is required for building national railway companies.
Provinces with the coal specialty include (from east to west): Hizen, Buzen, Shiribeshi, and Sapporo. The first two are in northern Kyushu and the last two are in northern Ezo, meaning that for many of factions, the nearest coal province is very far away and usually only available by the mid-late game.
Open-pit coal faces, and their upgrades, generate twice as many resources as many other types of resource buildings. This, combined with coal's high price per unit, make them particularly worth upgrading when facing a shortage of export goods.