Pavlograd Hussars are a unique light cavalry regiment in Napoleon: Total War. They are available to Russia with the Elite Regiment Pack DLC, which was available for free with the standard boxed edition of the game, then released as part of the Imperial Eagle Pack DLC.
Hussars are an elite light cavalry force, armed with curved sabres and excellent against skirmish troops and artillery.
All hussars have “dash” and a touch of derring-do in their collective attitude towards war. Pavlograd hussars are, without exception, excellent horsemen, ideal for chasing down skirmishers and overrunning artillery units. Though their charge is powerful, they are still weak against infantry in square and will suffer losses in prolonged close combat. Instead, they are better used to quickly attack, then break away and attack again.
The Pavlograd Hussars were immortalised in Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace”, but their fame was well established before Tolstoy penned his masterpiece. In 1797, a young Georgian officer, Spiridon Zhevahov, took command of the Pavlograd Hussars and led them to impressive triumphs against Napoleon’s forces. The Hussars shocked the French by crushing the 3rd Lancers of the Young Guard, part of Napoleon’s personal guard. To add insult to injury, they also managed to capture the 3rd Lancers’ standard, a major blow to French prestige.
General Information[]
Pavlograd Hussars are unique to Russia. They are slightly superior to standard Hussars in every category, but are more expensive to train and maintain.