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TW3K Peasant Raiders 430x

Seizing their only chance for glory, these mounted peasants charge headlong into foes and chase down fleeing enemies.

Peasant Raiders are an early game shock cavalry unit in Total War: Three Kingdoms. They are a Fire class retinue unit that can only be recruited by Vanguard heroes (also Fire class). Vanguard Heroes naturally provide a number of beneficial bonuses including improved melee damage and speed. Strangely, these peasant units require two reforms at the beginning of the military (red/fire) branch (Garrison Conscripts and Convict Drafts) before they can be recruited. Fortunately, both reforms are militarily useful to Peasant units.


These units are the quintessential "glass cannon" unit. The have a high charge bonus, high armor piercing attack and blazing speed. The are superb in the early through mid-game at flanking, hit and run attacks. They are also inexpensive to recruit and support compared to other mounted units. Because they are peasant units, they wear virtually no armor and are extremely vulnerable in prolonged melee and to ranged missile fire.

Proper Use[]

Shock cavalry can turn the tide of any tightly contested battle when used well. They are capable of routing units with a single well-timed charge on an exposed flank or rear and are especially effective at "hammer & anvil" attacks. (If you're not familiar, view @22:24 in the video linked for a TW3K in-game demonstration by an excellent player.)

In the campaign it is inevitable (especially on high difficulty levels) that you will engage in battles where you are either outnumbered or outgunned overall. This is when you have to have powerful units to attack or counterattack at key points in the battle. Shock cavalry is a potentially excellent retinue type to have around in such cases, considering it is possible to rout 3 enemy units in 3 consecutive charges in the span a minute or two. Cycle-charging (@22:24 again) is the optimal use for most cavalry, especially this type since they have not only low melee stats but also very little armor.


It is always best to avoid frontal charges on enemy spear units as they will decimate these mounted units. In addition, archer fire will take a heavy toll on these lightly armored, unshielded units. Finally, keep in mind that cavalry units are much fewer in number than infantry units, so once their charge bonus has been used, they should not be left in prolonged melee. Keep them moving, or they will be badly damaged or routed by sheer numbers of enemy infantry nearby.


Vanguard characters always provide higher standard recruiting discounts and boost melee damage more than other hero types because they have the highest Instinct Attributes of all hero types. They also have access to a Skill Tree that greatly benefits their own retinues of cavalry units. Key skills include Intensity, Fury and Passion which increase charge speed, charge damage, and melee damage for cavalry, respectively. These Fire class units can only be recruited in Vanguard Retinues.

  • Type: Light Spear Calvary
  • Base cost to recruit: 400
  • Base unit upkeep: 170


TW3K Peasant Raiders

In game (vanilla units)

Peasants own no land and can expect little from their future except hardship, so battle grants them some agency, no matter how short-lived. Their lack of armour is proof that their generals consider them expendable, but still they grit their teeth and grasp their fatalistic destiny as firmly as their spears, urging their horses into charging the enemy. Should they survive long enough, they will chase down fleeing enemies - boasting of their prowess upon returning to the fields.
