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Perun's Axes are a type of melee infantry in Total War: Attila.


""Let the lord of all guide your hand, that it might strike true against your enemies.""

During the 1st century AD, the eastern Slavs worshipped a pantheon of five gods known as the 'Quintheism'. These gods held dominion over different aspects of the world (the sun, the sky, the earth etc.). At the head of this pantheon was Perun, a thunder god who wielded an enormous axe (or sometimes a hammer) that returned to his hand when summoned. It is clear that Perun shares similarities with the thunder god Zeus, head of the classical Greek pantheon, as well as Thor and his hammer Mjolnir. Perun was above all other gods - the Slavs declared him the "creator of lightning" and "the only lord of all". In order to invoke his divine protection, his worshippers carved hexagonal symbols known as 'gromoviti znaci' onto the beams and foundations of their homes in the hope that Perun would protect them from lightning storms. Like several gods from other cultures, Perun seems to be derived from 'Perkwunos', a widely worshipped Indo-European thunder god. From Perkwunos comes the Thracian god 'Perkon' and the Hittite god 'Pirwa', as well as the Greek work for 'thunderbolt', 'karaunos'.

Strength and Weaknesses[]

  • Excellent Armour
  • Average Missile Block Chance

Base Stats[]

Perun's Axes
Number of Men: 160
Morale: 45
Bonus HP: 9
Melee Attack: 52
Melee Defense: 12
Charge Bonus: 37
Reload: 25
Ammunition: 0
Medium Infantry
Hit Points: 90
Mass: 100
Walk Speed: 14
Run Speed: 33
Charge Speed: 45
Charge Distance: 35

Weapons and Gear[]

Melee Weapon
Damage: 16
Armour Penetration Damage: 16
Bonus vs Infantry: 10
Bonus vs Cavalry: 0
Bonus vs Elephants: 0
Building damage: 0.1
Round Shield
Melee Defence: 15
Armour: 15
Missile Block Chance: 25
Heavy Mail
Armour: 30


Ability Attila Frenzy Frenzy
Target: Self Initial Recharge: 0
Active Time: 30 Recharge Time: 210
Improves a unit's attack capabilities for an extended period of time.
Frenzy (30s):
+10 Melee Attack
Frenzy (1s):
+50% Fatigue


Ability Attila Disciplined Disciplined
This unit does not suffer a morale penalty when the general dies. It can also rally after routing more often.
Ability Attila Encourage Encourage
This unit provides a morale bonus to nearby allies.
Ability Attila Hide (forest) Hide (forest)
This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get too close.
Total War: Attila Slavic Units
Melee Infantry Slavic AmbushersSlavic Axe LevySlavic Axe WarriorsSlavic AxemenSlavic ChampionsFollowers of VelesHorse ButchersHorse CuttersPerun's AxesPerun's ChampionsVeles' ChosenWarlord's GuardSlavic Warriors
Spear Infantry Chosen ShieldsSlavic Large ShieldsSlavic Levy SpearmenSlavic Noble SpearmenSlavic Spearmen
Missile Infantry Slavic ArchersSlavic HuntersSlavic Levy ArchersSlavic Levy SkirmishersSlavic Noble SkirmishersPoison ArchersPoison HuntersSlavic Skirmishers
Missile Cavalry Slavic Horse RaidersSlavic RaidersSvarog's Raiders
Siege Artillery OnagerBastion Onager