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Polish Guard Lancers NTW Icon

Polish Guard Lancers are a type of lancer cavalry in Napoleon: Total War.


Polish Guard Lancers are fearsome and lightning fast at the charge.

Trained to ride hard into battle with their lances couched, these superb horsemen are ideal shock troops. Their steeds are fast and carry them to key points on the battlefield in what seems like a heartbeat. The morale of these brave men is unrivalled, but should they become caught in a prolonged melee their weakness in close combat will become apparent. Employed against elite infantry formed in square their charge and lance skills will be largely wasted.

The Polish Guard were originally raised from among a party of exiled Polish noblemen who accompanied Napoleon into Warsaw in 1807. He was so impressed with the loyalty of these men that he insisted the new regiment be attached to his own Imperial Guard. From that moment on candidates for the regiment had to be Polish landowners between the ages of 18 and 40; they were expected to provide their own horses and equipment. It wasn’t until after the Battle of Wagram in 1809 that these men were issued with the lance as standard equipment. When Napoleon was forced exiled on Elba in 1814, 150 loyalists of the Polish Guard Lancers followed their Emperor to prison.

General Information[]

Polish Guard Lancers have the highest charging bonus of any unit in Napoleon: Total War, allowing them to almost effortlessly plow through nearly every opponent in the right circumstances. When well rested, charging downhill, and given enough space to build momentum, Polish Guard Lancers can eliminate practically any foe. Even their melee and defensive stats are solid, being far better than those of most other lancer cavalry and allowing them to hold their own against sabre-armed cavalry, although this is not their primary purpose. Polish Guard Lancers are very expensive to field, however, and they are limited to one regiment. Despite their excellent statistics, they are relatively ineffectual against line infantry prepared in Square Formation, and are just as vulnerable as any other unit to artillery and musket fire.

Napoleon: Total War Cavalry
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