Master Artisans
The Private Workshops are a building chain in Total War: Three Kingdoms. It focuses primarily on generating income via bonuses. It also provides a discount towards building Learning and Market buildings. The alternate upgrade path provides little variety, only increasing said bonuses at the cost of some extra upkeep and some Lumber.
Building Chain[]

Private Workshops
Private Workshops (level 1)[]
A workshop that produces simple gifts to encourage friendship and good fortune. Private workshops produce commercial goods, increasing income for the district. Technological advances and a blossoming of new trade routes create an opportunity for trade and commerce to flourish. Demand for unique goods from China come from the wealthy, but cheaper, mass produced goods are also popular with the lower classes, and China now has foreign customers as far as Daqin and Tianzhu. Private workshops are the first step in taking full advantage of this burgeoning trade boom.
Upkeep: None
Cost: 650
- +25% income from commerce
- +5% income from industry
- Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -10%

Craftsmen Shacks
Craftsmen Shacks (level 2)[]
Expansion of production increases commerce. Private workshops are expanded to craftsmen shacks to match demand for commercial goods. Craftsmen specialising in each discipline are commissioned to produce goods for markets and caravan trade routes. Manufacturing and selling goods strictly for commerce is seen by the elite to be decadent work, as it does nothing towards the good of China, unlike the produce of farmers and artisans. However, there is no arguing with the high profits that such commodities bring to this district.
Upkeep: 10 per turn
Cost: 900
- +50% income from commerce
- +10% income from industry
- Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -10%

Craftsmen Workshops
Craftsmen Workshops (level 3)[]
Unique items can be adapted for mass production and trade. Craftsmen lack the individual artistic streak of artisans, but their purpose is towards the mass production of goods. Indeed, the work of artisans is more suited to the wealthier patrons who request goods tailored to their liking, whereas craftsmen produce goods for all, based on current trends; although their goods are likely to be inspired by artisan wares, they are transformed into commercial commodities for the mass market. Craftsmen workshops provide the space and tools needed to create these goods.
Upkeep: 10 per turn
Cost: 1100
- +75% income from commerce
- +15% income from industry
- Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -10%
Requires Reform: Currency-based Economy

Artisans Workshops
Artisan Workshops (level 4)[]
Unique works need the proper tools. To create great works, an artisan needs space and tools, and artisan workshops provide these. Artisans perform a similar role to craftsmen, except their work is more individual and therefore tend to fetch higher prices. This individualism is their qi, an inspiration and style of their own, which cannot be copied. The artisans’ works are either produced to their own desires and then sold to customers, or commissioned by wealthy patrons who are fans of their work.
Upkeep: 10 per turn
Cost: 1360
- +100% income from commerce
- +20% income from industry
- Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -10%
Requires Reform: Mercantile Regulation
Provides Resource: Artisans

Master Artisans
Master Artisans (level 5A)[]
Artisans inspire each other to create new works. As China’s desire for luxury goods and items grows, so does the skill and artistic prowess of its artisans. Drawing inspiration from advances in technology, religion and myth, and the beauty of China itself, these master artisans create beautiful works of art that are the envy of the world. Indeed, the quality is so high, that even the people of Daqin and Tianzhu take pleasure from the works, often through third party trade; China can be proud of its culture, and the wealth generated from it helps the lands.
Upkeep: 20 per turn
Cost: 1600
- +125% income from commerce
- +25% income from industry
- Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -15%
Requires Reform: Trade Associations
Provides Resource: Artisans

Master Lacquerware Artisans
Master Lacquerware Artisans (level 5B)[]
Lacquerware goods, unique to China, are produced here. This district is rich in lacquer trees, indigenous to China, and thus making workshops to create lacquerware possible. The lacquer is cultivated by cutting into the trees and collecting the poisonous sap that dribbles down in the cut ridges. After being treated, it is then applied to manufactured goods to create a decorative varnish (or simply to waterproof the objects). These goods are then sold in the marketplace to bring revenue to the lands, especially as the process of making them is relatively unique (for now) to China.
Upkeep: 30 per turn
Cost: 2000
- +190% income from commerce
- +40% income from industry
- Learning and market buildings construction cost reduction: -15%
Requires Reform: Trade Associations
Requires Resource: Lumber
Provides Resource: Artisans