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TW3K Qingzhou Assault Infantry x430

The Qingzhou warriors place their devotion in their new lord, Cao Cao, fighting to the bitter end.

Qingzhou Assault Infantry is a medium weight Melee Infantry unit in Total War: Three Kingdoms. They are a Faction unique unit in Cao Cao's (Wei) army due to an historical relationship between Cao Cao and the Qingzhou Corps, which was a Yellow Turban Rebellion force of roughly 300,000.

As the name of this unit implies, they specialize in offensive operations. The other two units representing the Qingzhou Corps in TW3K are the Qingzhou Halberds and Qingzhou Spears.

Proper Use[]

These units are not the backbone of an army, but they are effective attackers along the lines of Sabre Infantry at a slight purchase discount, but higher upkeep (the upkeep cost is another historical fact). Their AP damage is better and melee damage a little worse. They carry the same shield, so are resilient under standard missile fire. They can be effective in a strong army but may weaken when engaged with a superior enemy force using fire arrows.

What is interesting is, when unit morale is "low" these units essentially go berserk! They will become unbreakable and will do massive damage for a time while disregarding all attempts at melee evasion. They may therefore fight to the death, in a sense becoming "sacrificial" units but ruining everything they encounter before routing.


These Metal class units, as with all Qingzhou Corps units can be recruited by all Hero classes. They are well-rounded with decent melee evasion, decent armor, good shield, ranged block and damage stats. They could do well under any general if used well. Enhancement options include:

The are enabled by default with Scare, Misplaced Devotion (conditional offensive buff) and Immune to Scare

  • Type: Medium Halberd (Melee) Infantry
  • Base cost to recruit: 580
  • Base unit upkeep: 180


TW3K Qingzhou Assault Infantry in-game

In-game (vanilla units)

In the name of the cause they lost, the fight will continue, no matter how hopeless.

Whatever cause these warriors used to fight for is gone; now they have a new purpose, if not the same zeal. It was Cao Cao that saved these former rebels from traitors' deaths, and though they swear their arms to a new cause, their hearts do not follow.

Better armed and armoured than their other erstwhile rebel comrades, they suffer the same lack of morale for the cause. Yet on occasion, they will show a glimpse of their former fury, and be overtaken by a zealous warrior's rage!
