Total War Wiki
TW3K Qingzhou Spears x430

To live, for these warriors, is to fight, even though the cause is long past.

Qingzhou Spears are defined as a lightweight Polearm Infantry unit in Total War: Three Kingdoms. They are a Faction unique unit in Cao Cao's (Wei) army due to an historical relationship between Cao Cao and the Qingzhou Corps, which was a Yellow Turban Rebellion force of roughly 300,000.

Qingzhou Spearmen carry the same one-handed spear as Spear Guards, and the same shield as Sabre Infantry. The shield provides very good protection against missile attack, and the spear in the hands of these troops is more effective compared to other one-handed spear units.

What is interesting is that while these Qingzhou units are fragile in terms of morale, they have a passive buff, berserker effect (Misplaced Devotion) that makes them very unpredictable and potentially powerful before they completely break. Like most polearm units, they are highly capable defending against mounted units coming head on against them.

The other two units representing the Qingzhou Corps in TW3K are the Qingzhou Halberds and Qingzhou Assault Infantry.

Proper Use[]

These units are not the backbone of an army, but like all spear wielding warriors they are effective against cavalry. They carry robust shields that protect effectively against missile fire while they are facing the enemy. They are an effective defensive unit in a strong army but their generally mediocre morale will suffer when engaged directly by a superior enemy force. However, when these units" morale is "low" they will go berserk! They will become unbreakable and will do considerable damage for a time while disregarding all attempts to defend themselves against the enemy. They may therefore fight to the death, in a sense becoming "sacrificial" units but badly damaging enemy units within melee distance before routing.


These Wood class units, as with all Qingzhou Corps units can be recruited by all Hero classes. They are decent anti cavalry units with respectable armor, good shield, ranged block and damage stats when charging. They could be adequate units under any general when attention is paid. Enhancement options include:

They are enabled by default with several unit abilities, including Charge Reflection, Raider and Misplaced Devotion (conditional offensive buff).

  • Type: Light Spear Infantry
  • Base cost to recruit: 450
  • Base unit upkeep: 170


TW3K Qingzhou Spears In-game

In-game (vanilla units)

These Yellow Turban troops surrendered to Cao Cao following several major battles in and around Qing Province. They pledged allegiance to him in 192 AD, but these remnant troops , although skilled in warfare, were only marginally devoted to the alliance.

Though the fire of the Noble Rebellion is all but spent in the land, the slimmest guttering embers still burn in the hearts of these warriors. Remnants of the last noble rebellion would be usually marked for death, yet Cao Cao offered them mercy for service. Although they welcome the blade's reprieve, they show little enthusiasm for their new fight.

Scarcely armed, these fighters will break quickly - however, their long dimmed fervor will sometimes burst forth, surprising all with their zeal and ferocity.
