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TW3K Rice Garrison Fortress

Rice Garrison Fortress

Rice Garrison is a building chain in Total War: Three Kingdoms. The building is unique to Cao Cao replaces Rice Paddy. Rice Garrison is more or less identical to Grain Garrison, with the only changes between the two being the names of the buildings, the pictures used and the switch from producing Grain to Rice.

Rice Garrisons are extremely powerful because their replenishment bonus is global, not local. As fully upgraded rice garrisons provide +15% replenishment, owning seven such buildings allows Cao Cao to instantly replenish all forces within a turn, no matter how badly damaged they are.

Oddly, the level 1 upgrade shows up in-game as a grain farm instead of a rice paddy.

Building Chain[]

TW3K Overgrown Grain Fields

Unmanned Rice Fields

Unmanned Rice Fields (level 0)[]

The people here keep to themselves; untouched and unchecked by the guiding hand of government. The people here are inward looking and able to operate outside of government influence, which has the disadvantage of not knowing what threats lie in wait beyond their boundaries. Establishing an authoritative presence here would do much for the wellbeing of the people, providing both them and the country with additional prosperity.

Cost: None

Upkeep: None

TW3K Grain Fields

Rice Farming Garrison

Rice Farming Garrison (level 1)[]

Farms run by soldiers to feed soldiers. The perils of warfare do not always come from enemy forces. When armies are in remote areas, or far from their own supply lines, the danger of starvation or sickness can do as much damage as a surprise ambush or rain of arrows. The tuntian system organises soldiers to build and work farms, so that food can be grown to feed and supply allies in the local area. This increases food in the area and the replenishment of fresh troops to nearby armies.

Cost: 1400

Upkeep: 30

  • +5 prestige
  • +2 food production (farming)
  • +10 reserve capacity
  • +2% replenishment
  • -10% military buildings construction cost reduction

Provides Resource: Rice

TW3K Rice Garrison Farmstead

Rice Garrison Farmstead

Rice Garrison Farmstead (level 2)[]

A farm solely dedicated to providing food for the local army. In his wisdom, Cao Cao has instigated the tuntian system here, which is the building and staffing of a farm to grow food for armies within the county, whether they are passing through, or encamped here on a permanent basis. Without it, armies would have to rely on the existing food, effectively taking it from the mouths of the local population and risking rebellion. This allows armies to plot their campaigns without compromise, as they can be assured that food and shelter always await them.

Cost: 1950

Upkeep: 50

  • +5 prestige
  • +3 food production (farming)
  • +10 reserve capacity
  • +3% replenishment
  • -20% military buildings construction cost reduction

Provides Resource: Rice

TW3K Rice Garrison Cantonment

Rice Garrison Cantonment

Rice Garrison Cantonment (level 3)[]

A more permanent military farm for key strategic settlements. A garrison cantonment is useful where your armies may need to regularly converge and camp for long durations. The farm’s crops are grown primarily for the military forces to ensure they have a steady supply of food while defending a county or fighting local skirmishes. It can serve as a hub to return to after battle, in order to recover and replenish lost soldiers at a faster rate. A small selection of the farming peasantry is armed, providing some protection from sabotage at a small cost.

Cost: 2650

Upkeep: 70

  • +5 prestige
  • +4 food production (farming)
  • +10 reserve capacity
  • +5% replenishment
  • -30% military buildings construction cost reduction

Provides Resource: Rice

TW3K Rice Garrison Colony

Rice Garrison Colony

Rice Garrison Colony (level 4)[]

New settlers are assigned to this farm to increase crop yields. As military conflict intensifies, the might of your forces grows and more produce is needed to support them. There can never be too much food for armies, and the better they are fed, the better they will fight. To properly sate their appetites, groups of farmers across the land are conscripted to establish an agricultural garrison colony. With them, they bring farming experience, which increases food and replenishment rate of local armies as well as adding more manpower to the colony’s garrison.

Cost: 4100

Upkeep: 110

  • +10 prestige
  • +6 food production (farming)
  • +10 reserve capacity
  • +10% replenishment
  • -40% military buildings construction cost reduction

Provides Resource: Rice

Requires Reform: Ever-level Granaries

TW3K Rice Garrison Fortress

Rice Garrison Fortress

Rice Garrison Fortress (level 5)[]

Vital resources must be protected with the same vigour as homes. A safer, though no less effective, way of striking at the enemy is to sabotage and destroy the supply of resources on which they rely. The essential fuel of any army is food, and so the loss of this supply would slowly deplete their ranks through starvation, leaving survivors weakened and demoralised. The building of a fortress around the farms within this province will protect the food supply from enemy attacks, increasing the replenishment rate of local armies and the locals garrisoned within.

Cost: 5550

Upkeep: 160

  • +15 prestige
  • +8 food production (farming)
  • +10 reserve capacity
  • +15% replenishment
  • -50% military buildings construction cost reduction

Provides Resource: Rice

Requires Reform: Agricultural Garrisons
