Total War Wiki
Classic Remastered

SPQR (an abbreviation of "Senatus Populusque Romanus," Latin for "The Senate and People of Rome") or simply the Senate is a Roman faction in Total War: Rome Remastered.

SPQR is unique, as it only occupies the city of Rome and does not conquer or expand to new territories. Instead, it acts as the primary Roman faction, setting the foreign policies that all the other Roman factions follow, delegating the expansion of the Republic to the Roman houses. The Senate ultimately decides who to wage war against and who to ally with.

The Senate will issue missions to the player and the other Roman houses to go out and conquer certain settlements and kill the enemies of the Republic. Disregarding these will cause one to lose popularity of the Senators, while completing them will increase it. The missions also rewards the houses with denarii and new units. A high popularity among the Senate results in having games held in the house's honour and Triumphs held for distinguished house members which ultimately makes the house more popular among the people.

The Senate takes notice if a house's popularity with the people is too high. They will demand the heads of the house to commit suicide in an effort to curb their popularity among the plebeians. If the player doesn't comply, the Senate declares the house an enemy of the Republic and a civil war erupts. Having maximum popularity with the people allows players to outright declare war on the Senate and instigate the civil war. The civil war ends when one house defeats the other two and occupies Rome, transforming the Republic into The Roman Empire, giving them total control of Rome.

Unit Roster[]

  • Peasants
  • Town Watch
  • Auxilia
  • Hastati
  • Principes
  • Triarii
  • Samnite Gladiators
  • Early Legionary Cohort
  • Legionary Cohort
  • Praetorian Cohort
  • Urban Cohort
  • Early Legionary First Cohort
  • Legionary First Cohort
  • Arcani
  • Roman Archers
  • Velites
  • Light Auxilia
  • Archer Auxilia
  • Incendiary Pigs
  • Wardogs
  • Equites
  • Roman Cavalry
  • Legionary Cavalry
  • Roman General
  • Praetorian Cavalry
  • Roman Armoured General
  • Cavalry Auxilia
  • Ballistas
  • Scorpions
  • Repeating Ballistas
  • Onagers
  • Heavy Onagers
Total War: Rome Remastered Factions
Rome ArmeniaBritanniaCarthageDaciaEgyptGaulGermaniaGreek CitiesHouse of BruttiHouse of JuliiHouse of ScipiiMacedonNumidiaParthiaPontusScythiaSeleucid EmpireSpainSPQRThraceRebels
Barbarian Invasion AlemanniBerbersBurgundiiCeltsFranksGothsHunsLombardiOstrogothsRomano-BritishRoxolaniSarmatiansSassanidsSaxonsSlavsVandalsEastern Roman EmpireWestern Roman EmpireEastern Roman RebelsWestern Roman RebelsRebels
Alexander DahaeIllyriaIndiaMacedonPersiaScythiaThraceRebels