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Sacred stone of Zeus is a horde temple building chain in a Total War Saga: Troy, exclusive to Penthesilea's faction, dedicated to the god Zeus. Only a single shrine can be built in each horde army. Each shrine built earns 10 additional favour gained from a hecatomb. Each new shrine also increases the cost of a hecatomb by 25%. Shrines enable the recruitment of priestesses.


Travel, whether by land or on water, was a risky and uncertain affair during the Bronze Age, and was thus punctuated by extensive religious practices. Sailors made offerings to Poseidon hoping for calm seas, while overland travellers begged Apollo and Artemis for kind weather, or entreated Hermes, patron of roads and travel, to keep them safe. Not wanting to be remiss of their spiritual duty, the peoples of the Aegean Sea would visit sanctuaries and shrines along their journey, carrying with them symbols and icons of their chosen deities to ensure they would reach their destination safely.

Sacred Stone of Zeus (tier 2)[]

Built on an empty slot. Requires tier 2 horde tents. Can be upgraded to Effigy of Zeus.

Building Construction Cost Remark Effect
TROY bld t ama horde altar of zeus 700 wood
(n + 2) population surplus points
The king of the gods, Zeus seized the throne when he and his siblings defeated his father, the titan Cronus. +100 favour of Zeus
+5% to hp of Hero
-5% to cooldown time of abilities
+1 to priestess capacity (max 3)

Effigy of Zeus (tier 3)[]

Upgraded from Sacred Stone of Zeus. Requires tier 3 horde tents. Can be further upgraded to Processions to Zeus.

Building Upgrade Cost Remark Effect
TROY bld t ama horde altar of zeus 1750 wood
1900 stone
1 population surplus point
Zeus drew lots with his siblings, and thus was ordained to reign upon the sky, overseeing all. +150 favour of Zeus
+10% to hp of Hero
-10% to cooldown time of abilities
+1 to priestess capacity (max 3)

Processions to Zeus (tier 5)[]

Upgraded from Effigy of Zeus. Requires tier 5 horde tents.

Building Upgrade Cost Remark Effect
TROY bld t ama horde altar of zeus 3700 wood
2300 stone
250 gold
1 population surplus point
“And all the immortal gods gathered in Olympus to live, and Zeus ruled over them.” +200 favour of Zeus
+20% to hp of Hero
-20% to cooldown time of abilities
+2 to priestess capacity (max 3)