Total War Wiki

Sanjiang Poison Darts is a Light Blowpipe unit in Total War: Three Kingdoms. It can only be recruited by Nanman factions who control the Tribal Fealty of King Duosi.


Main Article: Unit Ability (Total War: Three Kingdoms)

  • -100% Fire Resistance
    • Damage taken by flaming attacks is altered by this amount.
  • Stalk
    • Can move whilst hidden in any terrain.
  • Loose Formation (Mobile Formation)
    • Can use if:
      • Not on a wall or barricade
      • Not engaged in melee
      • Not climbing
      • Not on Elephant
    • -100% charge resistance
      TW3K Sanjiang Poison Darts in-game



No matter the size of the hunter's prey, a well-aimed dart tipped with a sufficiently strong poison can take them down.

Wise King Duosi is a master of inventiveness in war, said to even use the land itself against his enemies. His warriors take after their lord, striking from the shadows, unseen, unheard, only revealed by the damage they do. Should their foes survive the unexpected bite of a silent, poison-tipped dart, these warriors will engage the foe openly, striking down those who escaped their missiles with their clubs, before melting away again.
