The Sarmatians are a major playable nomad faction in Rome: Total War: Barbarian Invasion.
The Sarmatians were an Iranian-speaking people who lived on the plains between the Black and Caspian Seas. They were supposedly descended from Scythian fathers and Amazon mothers, at least according to the Greek historian Herodotus. Over the ensuing centuries they moved westwards towards the Don river and Greek accounts say that the region became a desert partly thanks to the savagery of 'the Syrmatae'. The Sarmatians were certainly strong enough to demand tribute from the towns around the Black Sea. Sarmatian wives fought alongside their men wearing men's clothes and armour. Sarmatian virgins were not allowed to marry before they had slaughtered an enemy. Fighting as armoured horsemen and horse archers the Sarmatians were dangerous opponents.
The Sarmatians are a naturally warlike people, and have the potential to rule the open steppes and much of Europe. Their situation is not without risks, however, as they are surrounded by equally warlike barbarians and steppe nomads. To the south the Sassanid Empire could be rich pickings if the Sassanids are sufficiently distracted by a confrontation with the Romans.
Historically, the Sarmatians were renowned as warriors. As auxiliaries in the service of Rome they even ended up in Britannia. Those within Roman lands at least survived as a distinct group. Beyond Rome's frontiers the Sarmatians were wiped out by the Huns.