Total War Wiki

For the similar Napoleon: Total War building, see Secret Society (Napoleon: Total War).

Secret Society FOTS

The Secret Society is a type of propaganda chain building in Fall of the Samurai.


"Ssshhhh. Wrong question. Wrong place."

A secret society serves to influence and control public opinion, both swaying people and keeping them in line through, although its members would deny it, fear.

A secret society that everyone knows about is something of an oxymoron, yet Japanese history is replete with small groups who are both secret and yet known about by those in authority. Mostly, and particularly within the Imperial Japanese Navy and Army after the Meiji Restoration, these groups were very nationalistic and uncompromising in their outlook, and all professed a fierce loyalty to the Emperor. Their targets were usually intellectuals, liberals and compromisers (or realists) who, in their view, were not serving the Emperor or Japan properly. Unfortunately, rather than arguing their cases in open, often assassination became the secret societies' favoured tool of political discourse.

General Information[]

Requires 6800 gold, 5 turns, magistrate, independent allegiance. Can be upgraded to Military Society.

  • Spreads pro-Independent sentiment to neighbouring provinces (+1 influence)
  • Improves the spread of pro-Independent sentiment (+3 influence)
  • +2 to Repression in this province
  • +2 to Happiness in this province

Secret societies spread independent influence in a province and all province that neighbor it, as well as increasing public order. After a faction has declared independence, all provinces under its control become very unhappy due to the change of allegiance. Building secret societies helps counter this quickly. Secret Societies continue to be useful even after province populations convert for the increased happiness: unlike Imperial or Shogunate factions, independent factions cannot rely on Shinsengumi or Ishin Shishi to increase happiness, so public order is more difficult to keep high. To aid them in keeping order, secret societies provide one more point to public order than their imperial and shogunate counterparts.

The fact that secret societies spread pro-independent influence to neighboring provinces make them excellent buildings to build next to hostile factions' provinces.

Fall of the Samurai Buildings
Town Buildings Settlement: TownLarge TownCityMunicipalityPrefecture Castle: StrongholdFortressCastleCitadelStar Fort Business: InnGambling DenRichi Mahjong ParlourYakuza OfficeMarketFinancial DistrictJunin Ryogae Industrial: Cottage IndustryCotton Weaving ShedCraft WorkshopSilk Weaving ShedFactoryCotton Processing PlantSilk Manufactory Modern Military: Cadet SchoolBarracksMilitary AcademyArmy War College Propaganda: Police StationMagistrateSecret SocietyShikoyoku OfficePolice OfficeMilitary SocietyDaily NewsShinsengumi Headquarters Artillery: Cannon RangeField Artillery SchoolArtillery AcademyArsenal Traditional Military: Traditional DojoSamurai DojoMaster DojoLegendary Dojo Improvement: Training CampDrill SchoolFiring RangeGeneral Staff HeadquartersJujutsu HallMilitary Hospital Defense: Matchlock TowersGatling Gun TowersGun Batteries
Specialty Buildings Clay: ClaypitsClay KilnBrickworksPotteries Coal: Open-pit Coal FaceDeep-seam Coal MineCoking Plant Copper: Open-pit Copper MineCopper RefineryAnode FurnaceSmelting Mill Gold: Placer DepositsGoldfieldsMintOre Processing Plant Holy Site: Buddhist ShrineBuddhist TempleBuddhist Temple Complex Iron: Iron Ore MineDeep-seam Iron MineIron Smelting PlantSteel Mill Railway: Telegraph OfficeRailway StationNational Railway Company Silk: Worm FarmRaw Silk ThreadmakerSericulturist Silver: Lead Ore MineSilver Smelting PlantProofing HouseSilver Vault Smith: BlacksmithIron WorksArmourerGunsmith Smuggling: Smugglers' CoveCriminal DenYakuza Hideout Tea: Tea PlantationMatcha PlantTea Exporter
Other buildings Farm: Subsistence FarmingTenant FieldsCommercial FarmingZaibatsu Fields Port: HarbourPortMilitary PortDrydockTrading PortAmerican Trading DistrictBritish Trading DistrictFrench Trading District