For the similar Empire: Total War unit, see Siemenovski Foot Guards.
Semenovski Lifeguard are a type of elite infantry in Napoleon: Total War. They are available to Russia with the Coalition Battle Pack DLC.
Immaculately turned out, these elite guards have excellent morale and are superb when used against skirmish troops and artillery.
The steadiness displayed by the men of the Semenovski Lifeguard is amazing, and on the battlefield they inspire nearby troops to hold fast by their example. These men are incredibly disciplined, and they are excellent marksmen with fast reloading times, though their close formations leave them vulnerable to artillery fire and skirmishers. Being an elite unit, the regiment is expensive to recruit, but the men’s abilities more than justify the extra cost.
The Russian Lifeguards were famed for their fine appearance. They were hand-picked for looks and stature, and even had jackets padded around the chest and shoulders to enhance their impressive physiques. Lady Burghersh (wife of the Military Commissioner at the Allies’ Headquarters and a prolific letter writer) believed them to be “the handsomest of the empire… all gigantic; they are composed of the tallest men in Russia.” Even von Schubert was forced to concede that these men were “the focal point of the balls and every other kind of society.” However, their immaculate good looks did not imply equally good manners and, at a banquet held in their honour, Napoleon’s own guards were appalled to see the Russians tearing meat with their hands, draining glasses of wine in one gulp, and even vomiting to make room for more gluttony and drinking!
General Information[]
Semenovski Lifeguard are elite infantry, inspiring units nearby and possessing superb statistics across the board. Compared to standard Lifeguard Foot, they have worse reloading and accuracy, but have superior melee attack and morale--in fact, they have the highest morale of all Russian units. Like all Russian units, they are resistant to cold fatigue, making them immune to the effects of cold attrition and giving them a significant advantage on snowy battlefields.