The Sericulturist is a type of silk building in Fall of the Samurai.
Heaven's grace created on a mortal loom.
Silk has always been a wondrous commodity, no matter where the cloth was traded. It can bring in a great deal of wealth to the lord who invests wisely in the enterprise, such as in this province.
From the most ancient of times silk was a symbol of power, luxury and mystery. It was so beautiful, magical and costly that only the very powerful and very wealthy could afford to wear it. Although sumptuary laws forbidding common people from wearing rich clothes had fallen out of usage in Victorian Europe, the equivalent rules and customs were still obeyed in Japan when the American squadron arrived in 1853.
General Information[]
Requires Raw Silk Threadmaker, 6 turns, 5000 koku.
- +60 bales of raw silk
- +1000 to wealth generated by trade in this province
- +2 per turn to town growth from trade within this province
Sericulturist produce 20 more bales of raw silk than their predecessors, worm farms. They also generate slightly more town growth per turn. They are particularly worth building if the faction building them is not producing enough silk to meet the demands of their export partners: as silk is usually worth about 15-30 koku per bale, including tariffs the 20 extra bales of silk would amount to roughly 600-1200 extra koku per turn if all of them are sold.
If there is no demand for additional silk, however, raw silk threadmakers are a relatively poor investment as the increase to flat wealth and wealth growth is poor compared to investing in inns or cottage industries. They don't decrease public order unlike many other province specialty final tier buildings.