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This page is about the Settlement Administration building branch added for natives in Furious Wild, for the normal branch, see Settlement Administration (building chain).

TW3K Occupied Royal City

Royal City

Settlement Administration refers to the building chain used to increase the size of your settlements in Total War: Three Kingdoms. Upgrading your Settlement offers you bonuses that include larger garrisons, more population capacity, more income, more reserve capacity, more building slots, prestige and faction-wide bonuses. It should be noted, however, that with each upgrade the required food is also increased to match your growing population. If one does not pay attention, the settlement might be left with too little food at which point faction support falls and people start leaving the province to go elsewhere where food is available.

The difference between the regular branch and the branch for the tribes added in Furious Wild are not a lot. The changes are in the names of the settlements, the artwork that is used, the in-game description of the building, changing the garrison to local tribal units and getting rid of walls altogether, no matter how large the city. Furthermore the income is reduced a bit to account for the poor economy in the area.

Settlement Administration Building Chain[]

Note: The stats shown below do not add up to each other when you complete an upgrade. The stats are standalone.

Abandoned (level 0)[]

People have lived here before. They may do so again.


  • None

TW3K Occupied Tribal Village

Tribal Village

Tribal Village (level 1)[]

The tribe live together for protection and comfort. The backbone of this tiny settlement may just be a single extended family, or perhaps two families with close ties. Most likely, everyone here is related to everyone else, and their loyalty to their kin makes this a close-knit community. They may be wary of outsiders, but everyone here is willing to defend each other, and the land and possessions they lay claim to, bravely and without hesitation.


  • +2 Prestige
  • +200K population capacity
  • +10 reserve capacity
  • Building slots: 1
  • Cost: 1000

TW3K Occupied Commune


Commune (level 2)[]

More than a cluster of huts now, the settlement takes shape. The simple bamboo or packed-earth huts which were once enough for the tribe are being replaced; solid wooden frames are spanned by smooth wattle-and-daub walls and roofed with thatch. A few largers buildings can now be seen here, as the community expands beyond her initial huddled hamlet. Neighbours are still expected to share with one another, but it has become acceptable to ask for something in return, and barter between individuals and families is becoming common practice.


  • +4 Prestige
  • +300K population capacity
  • +10 reserve capacity
  • Building slots: 2
  • Cost: 1500

TW3K Occupied Large Town

Large Town

Large Town (level 3)[]

The seeds of future growth are germinating, the settlement beginning to sprawl. No longer are most citizens equal in status; no longer is everyone's face and name known to everyone else. What were once foot-worn walkways between rows of buildings have become formal streets and alleys. Barter has turned into formal trade, as front rooms become shopfronts, and goods may be stored and warehoused against future need. As the settlement grows and flourishes, defences become necessary, to guard its citizens and wealth.


  • +8 Prestige
  • +400K population capacity
  • +25 Income (peasantry)
  • +25% income from commerce
  • +10 reserve capacity
  • Building Slots: 2
  • Cost: 2000

TW3K Occupied Small City

Small City

Small City (level 4)[]

When everything the citizen needs can be had within its bounds, the town has become a city. This place is developing an air of age and permanence, with stone or brick structures dotted amongst the more flimsy wood or bamboo homes and halls. Lack of level ground may cause new buildings to crowd together, but harmony is still maintained, with a shrine at the heart of every home. Those who can do so build around courtyards, or at least light-wells, to maintain the sense of space. Shops, tea houses and places of worship are springing up to serve the growing populace


  • +12 Prestige
  • +800K population capacity
  • -2 food production (distribution)
  • +25% income from commerce
  • +20 reserve capacity
  • Building slots: 3
  • Cost: 3000

TW3K Occupied City


City (level 5)[]

The city belongs to the populace, and the populace belong to their city. People define themselves by where they come from, and although the Nanman have historically lived in small settlements nestled amongst the mountains, often in the deep river ravines, to be a citizen of such a bustling metropolis as this is a matter of pride. If the men of the south are to shed their reputation as being wild and primitive, and to take their place in the world, cities like this will be the beacons that blaze the trail.


  • +16 prestige
  • +1M population capacity
  • -6 food production (distribution)
  • +25% income from commerce
  • +20 reserve capacity
  • Building slots: 4
  • Cost: 4000

TW3K Occupied Large City

Large City

Large City (level 6)[]

It is hard to believe that this impressive settlement has not been here forever. Gone are the packed mud floors and thatched roofs of the smaller, more basic Nanman settlements. In their place, stone or tile floors provide civilised comfort under elegantly peaked roofs of baked tile. The men of the south are happy to take what they consider of use from the culture of the north, though they will always add their own unique twists. If they can, they will use the terrain in defence; where the city is beyond the protective clasp of the mountain, walls of earth or stone are raised.


  • +20 Prestige
  • +1.5M population capacity
  • -10 food production (distribution)
  • +50 income from commerce (faction-wide)
  • +20 reserve capacity
  • Building slots: 4
  • Cost: 5000

TW3K Occupied Small Regional City

Small Regional City

Small Regional City (level 7)[]

As the city grows, so does its influence. A city is more than its buildings and people, more even than its wealth and status: it is a focus for all the lands around it. Farmers travel for days to reach here in the hopes of selling their produce at a good price. Administrative commands issued from the city affect the lives of those throughout the region. And it is part of a wider network of influential settlements, its name often spoken beyond its immediate sphere of influence.


  • +25 Prestige
  • +2M population capacity
  • -16 food production (distribution)
  • +50% income from commerce
  • +30 reserve capacity
  • Building slots: 5
  • Cost: 6500

TW3K Occupied Regional City

Regional City

Regional City (level 8)[]

Despite their humble roots, the Nanman appreciate the benefits of city living. A maze of paved streets and alleys run between buildings which utilise all the available space. Even so, the city's expansion is always planned with symmetry and harmony in mind and executed with care; long terraces snake around the slopes of ravines and from a distance the city's roofs are a pleasing sweep of upswept gable-ends. Whole districts are given over to specialist industries, and commercial districts provide for every need. No one would call the southerners barbarians now!


  • +30 Prestige
  • +3M population capacity
  • -24 food production (distribution)
  • +50% income from commerce
  • +30 reserve capacity
  • Building slots: 6
  • Cost: 8000

TW3K Occupied Large Regional City

Large Regional City

Large Regional City (level 9)[]

All life can be found within these walls. Power resides here, amongst the teeming masses of citizens and visitors. Local dignitaries meet in private councils to decide the fate of the citizenry. Markets that take up whole city blocks and entertainments of every variety keep the populace fed and happy. As ever more wealth flows into the city items are crafted and skills honed. All in the region bring their wares to sell here, and in turn rare goods from afar grace stalls and shops.


  • +40 Prestige
  • +4M population capacity
  • -34 food production (distribution)
  • +75% income from commerce
  • +30 reserve capacity
  • Building slots: 6
  • Cost: 10000

TW3K Occupied Royal City

Royal City

Royal City (level 10)[]

To control a whole commandery, a grand statement must be made. Though the people of the south are not urban by inclination or tradition, to command the respect of the other powers in China it is necessary to adopt some of their practices. Constructing a city that those who respect the glory days of the Han would recognise as a worthy achievement shows those who deride the Nanman that they are mistaken and would be foolish to underestimate this ancient people.


  • +50 Prestige
  • +7.5M population capacity
  • -46 food production (distribution)
  • +150% income from commerce
  • +50 reserve capacity
  • Building slots: 6
  • Cost: 12000
